
Friday 16 March 2012

Publication update

I was excited to find my poem Heaven Shifts included in this selection of responses to a poem by Tomas Tranströmer in Notes from the Underground.

I was surprised to find On the Road to Cape Maclear - a piece about Malawi included in Pure Travel (I'd forgotten all about it!)

I also had a 75 word story Sally's Horse included on Paragraph Planet recently, which you may have read if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter. I can't currently find the link though and it won't be added to the site's archives until the end of the month, but I'll include it here as soon as I can. Edited to add: you can now access Sally's Horse by scrolling right down on this page then clicking on my name. It was a piece that first started life in Janis Mackay's Children's Fiction evening class I'm currently attending.


  1. Wow, you are a busy gal! Congratulations on your success!

  2. wow...its always a nice feeling to see our work recognized.

  3. I really enjoyed the dashing force in the rhythm and images of Heaven Shifts.
    I would use the word "transfixing" in particular for the warrior in the last stanza. It really sounds like a poem that has imposed itself, asking at once to be written.

  4. Just to let you know:
    __I'll make (force) the time to visit these links, I enjoy that which you write;
    __I have recieved the fat ball kits, they will be employed at the proper season!
    ...... Thanks, Juliet! _m

  5. how wonderful to be published in so many different venues


  6. Congratulations. You have been very productive and I'm glad your work is being recognized.

  7. Juliet is bustin' out all over!

    Verv fine work.

  8. Anonymous2:29 am

    That's fantastic Juliet!

  9. Awww that's great. Recognition is so helpful to keep oneself going!


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