
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Are you Wild about Plants?

Plantlife, the charity that conserves wild plants in the UK, wants to find out how important wild plants are to communities and individuals today. To help them do this, they want to hear about your wild plant memories, foraging tales and recipes! You can write to the Wild About Plants team with your memories, poems and photographs which will be added to a plant anthology on their website.

If you have more time, you can complete a parish record form, which as well as asking how local people use wild plants, asks you to record whether certain wild plants grow in your parish (or neighbourhood). You can download a parish record form here.

Plant enthusiasts can also subscribe to Pioneer, a free quarterly newsletter that offers useful tips, facts and plant ID help for amateur botanists and nature lovers. Readers are encouraged to provide content and feedback regularly making for a real hands on friendly and fun newsletter! Email to sign up!


  1. Lovely idea - I have plenty of memories frommy childhood - shall come back later and click on their site Juliet.

  2. Maybe I could send them the poem "Mint" by Seamus Heaney:..."go heady and defenceless/ Like inmates liberated in that yard...", I love wildness in plants..

  3. How cool. This would make a wonderful community project. I might suggest it to my neighbor!

  4. Good to see! Lots of interest in recording and following the ups and downs of native, wild plants here too.


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