
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Rainy River

As most readers of this blog know, I love walking along the Water of Leith. In all weathers! (Well not quite all, the one weather element that will stop me doing this walk is if the paths are totally iced over). Yesterday, I taught a class on Creative Writing Inspired by Nature with a field study session along the Water of Leith and I'm very glad it kept dry for that! However today I walked along the river and enjoyed the warm rain that fell for the whole time!

It seems that there is always some special moment with nature every time I walk along the river. Today it was seeing a bat fluttering about in one of the old Ladies Grottos (these were built in the 18th Century as places for the ladies to rest when the men went hunting). I also was delighted to see quite a large flock of long tailed tits (one of my favourite birds) flying around in the trees and I got some excellent views of dippers (another of my favourite birds).

Next week I'm teaching the course An Introduction to the Water of Leith. I hope the weather stays fine for that!

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks which take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. All I know about Leith comes via The Proclaimers

    Now I know more!

  2. All I know about Leith comes via The Proclaimers

    Now I know more!

  3. Yes, we have seen bats up and around in daylight on a warm wet day here in South Wales ... beside the river in a rocky cleft. Would have loved to have been enrolled on your Field Study session ...

  4. I would have loved your creative writing class.
    Interesting to learn about the Ladies` Grottos.

  5. I love rain on a warm day :)

  6. Anonymous9:49 pm

    That would be an interesting class. Wish I was there.

  7. Anonymous4:56 am

    Those grottos sound very civilised ;)

  8. That's one of the things about nature: there always is some special moment, wherever you are. Enjoyable post.


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