
Sunday 31 July 2011

Courgettes in Flower

I was sent some free seeds earlier this year. I've shared photos of the coriander already and that is growing brilliantly and giving us a wonderful harvest for all the curry type things I cook. The basil is doing brilliantly as well (though that wasn't grown from seed!). We also had some carrot and leek seeds which I planted in pots outside and have basically left to their own devices, we're getting plenty of rain this year so I don't need to worry about them drying out. We also got some courgette seeds, some of which failed to even germinate and two others have grown into monsters that threaten to take over the windowsill where most of our garden lives (given complicated issues around the so called shared garden out the back of the building). So here are the monsters, now flowering.

Theoretically we could get 11 courgettes out of this, but I'm not expecting that. Having said that I hadn't expected anything to start with, and these lovely flowers brighten up the room, while the enormous leaves increase the privacy of our flat without blocking my view of the swifts which are giving us wonderful aerobatic displays this year as ever.


  1. I often think courgettes would be worth growing for the flowers alone. A picture of them in bud called 'green meringues' (or something like that)on Flickr was one of the things that got me into taking photos.

    How about a courgette and coriander curry with a tomato and basil salad?

  2. This is what we call zucchini? Terrific photos of the flowers. We are having a nice crop this year also. Unusual, becuase unlike most gardener's , I usually kill my zucchini!

  3. They look gorgeous :) Doesn't it always brighten your day when new flowers pop up in the garden? One of the best parts of summer weather.

  4. Missed that last post - what a photo of the rock, birds and sailors and light-houe!

    Are they zuchinnis? BL can do fun dishes with zucninni.

    There is a joke here - where zuchinnis grow awful well. A guy left a bag of zuchinnis haning on his fence with a sign "Free" on it.

    Next day there were three bags!!!

  5. Anonymous7:24 am

    Some people eat the flowers! I used to grow zucchini's and the flowers are beautiful.

  6. Lucy - nice menu suggestion, thanks!

    Karen, Rabbits Guy - yes, they're zucchini!

    Megan - yes it is lovely to have flowers to brighten the garden (or windowsill!)

    Gabrielle - I didn't know the flowers were edible, that's an interesting one!

  7. I especially love the second picture, with the sunlight glowing green through the huge leaves. I'm glad I know it's zucchini, though. I'd never heard of courgettes.

    Lovely flowers.

  8. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous.

  9. Is this what we call zuchinni? The blossom looks like it -- and it grows the same way. When we used to garden years ago the kids said that they'd pick all of them and before they got through more had ripened. (There are jokes about neightbors running when they see people coming to give them away.) But I would be happy to take some from any neighbor gardener nowadays!

  10. We were sent some free sunflower seed. They are now almost to the bedroom window - but no sign of flowers yet. Mind you, if they ever do flower, we shall need aerial views to see them.


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