
Sunday 5 June 2011

Poetry Update

Just to let everyone know that I now have a Paypal account and wherever you are in the world you can now order a signed copy of my chapbook Unthinkable Skies directly from me. The book costs £4.50 and postage is £1.00 within the UK, £1.50 elsewhere in Europe and £2 for the rest of the world. Please leave a comment or email me on Juliet.M.WilsonATgmailDOTcom for more information! Alternatively you can order the book from Calder Wood Press or from Wordpower Books.

The CD of selected poems from Unthinkable Skies with music from Belvedere Mountain Express will be launched on 20 June on CD Baby where it will be available as a download only. You will be able to order a physical CD (including the text of the poems and lovely packaging as seen here) from the Belvedere Mountain Express website.

I have some poems in the Biggar Poetry Garden in the Scottish Borders until the end of August. If you can't get to visit the garden, you can now read the poems here.

And just a reminder that my poetry reading that was scheduled for 11 June has now been postponed until 24 September. More details on that nearer the time.

As ever, text in red takes you to other websites where you can find out more.


  1. It would be delightful to have a copy. I must put that on my to-do list.

  2. I particularly enjoyed 'Interpreting the Waggle Dance', Juliet. Brilliant! We were pretty close to Biggar, I believe, when we visited the John Buchan Centre at Broughton two years ago. We loved those cool clear waters of the Tweed - tried in vain, though, to see an Osprey (though we have watched them in the Callendar area).

  3. One minor correction: the Unthinkable Skies music/poetry collaboration will be available as download only from CDBaby, Amazon, iTunes etc. Sadly it was totally uneconomical to make CDs available for sale commercially. However, home-made CD-Rs will be available to order directly from, for people who prefer a physical object complete with artwork (your photos!) and an insert containing the poems.

  4. Marzipan Moon! Liked it.

  5. Thanks Bunnits!

    Caroline - thanks! Sorry you didn't see the ospreys!

    Howard - good point, I've updated the post!

    rabbits guy - thanks!

  6. I'd love a copy, Juliet. I'll go and send you an email now!

  7. Paypal is great for things like this, isn't it?

    Ellie Garratt


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