
Monday 6 June 2011

Hidden Meadow

Yesterday, I read Wild Bill's excellent blogpost about Nature's Intersections, and today I was thinking about the natural intersections there are along the Water of Leith. My particular patch of the river is wooded along most of the route, but with some open areas. My favourite open area is that known as the Hidden Meadow, which is found next to the wonderful Redhall Gardens (which will be holding an open day on 26 June so if you're in Edinburgh that day, it would be an ideal day out!).

The Hidden Meadow is an open area with scattered trees, mostly apple and birch though with some ash and rowan in there too.

There are a lot of bramble bushes and comfrey grows high and untidy at this time of the year, but is loved by the bees.

There are some fallen logs in the centre of the Meadow which offer a pleasant place to sit (though this area is often used for barbeques and not everyone is careful when they make barbeques, sometimes I have found lots of litter round here and branches broken from trees too).

In the wooded area along the river, there are lots of blackcaps singing (along with other birds). As you walk into the Hidden Meadow, the blackcaps are replaced, due to habitat preferences, by willow warblers. I love both these birds' songs, but there is something especially magical about the willow warbler's song and as they are a species in decline, it is wonderful to know there is somewhere in Edinburgh where you can be almost guaranteed to hear them.

As ever, red text takes you to another webpage where you can find out more. in the case of birds, that page will include the opportunity to listen to their song!


  1. Hi Juliet,

    What a special place the hidden meadow is and must be lovely to take a picnic lunch here.
    Just off to listen to the sound of your birds, something special about bird songs. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy week

  2. And a wonderful intersection this is too! The intersection you have created here between sound and sight is perfect. I felt as if I were by your side as you experienced this special place. Thanks for the compliment by the way.

    I loved this intersection!

  3. Nice intersection.

  4. What a wonderful place.

  5. a glen
    of this dense forest

    Grand photos and thoughts. _m

  6. Anonymous1:10 am

    Sounds wonderful - open, magical spaces (except for the BBQers).

  7. The hidden meadow is pure magic.

  8. I wish I were in Edinburg so I could enjoy what you so obviously are enjoying. Thanks for all the links as well.

  9. What a special place that is. Secluded wild meadows are few and far between in today's world.

  10. Beautiful...I so hope to get back to Scotland now that I have our family history that I am working on and looking at my relatives from there... Michelle

  11. It looks like a lovely place to visit and to see the birds. Beautiful photos.


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