
Saturday 11 June 2011

Garden Update

As some of you will know I recently planted some coriander and repotted some basil plants. The other day I received some free carrot, courgette and leek seeds from The Borrowers. So I've also planted these in pots and now our living room window-ledge is now full of plants and we have two pots outside.

This photo shows the coriander as it is now. I've thinned out the plants and repotted some of them. I think in the near future though I'll harvest some of the plants entirely and thin out the remaining plants at the same time. We just don't have enough pots or windowsill space for many more replantings!

A couple of days ago I got this nice shadow shot of some of the basil plants. I couldn't have got that shot today as it's been raining all day!


  1. Ah, we do have to grab those shadow shots when there is a moment or two of sun between the rain and gray skies!!! These are great! Hope you have wonderful weekend!


  2. Coriander! You grow coriander? What fragrant stuff!


    A shadow, a shadow, a shadow you say?
    A shadow is coming to dinner today?

    Oh, what shall we feed it, and what will it eat?
    Just toss down a few rays of light at its feet,

    And watch its dark mouth gobble up every ray,
    But be sure, my friend, you don’t get in its way;

    Keep out of the light so it won’t gobble you.
    (If I were the hostess, that’s just what I’d do.)

    A shadow is easy to feed, so they say,
    So welcome your shadow to dinner today.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows here and there

  3. I love the shadow shot. Lovely.

  4. Delicious-looking plants ... and I love the shadow pic. and MMT's poem!

  5. The soft herbs look wonderful in their pot, the fresh herbal addition to any dish are wonderful! The shadows are unique, each leaf adding to a neat shadowy collage on the wall. To merely visit a window box to snip herbs to enhance any dish is a nice treat!

  6. Gorgeous series of shadow shots.

    Soft Shadow of the Pink Pixie, come and see.

  7. All this talk of corriander and basil is making my mouth water. :) The basil made great shadows!

  8. I can just smell their wonderful scent from here. :)

  9. Delightful basil shadow, Juliet. And your herbs are growing so beautifully!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. Mmmmm, yummy basil, I love it all and as we speak, the sun is peaking through the clouds at 6:00PM, maybe there's hope for tomorrow yet...hope so in your neck o the woods as well!!!

  11. Love the shadow shot. Our basil is coming along beautifully this summer, and we are thrilled. Your coriander looks to be doing well, too. Nice post this week. genie

  12. A good day all around!

  13. Hi Juliet,

    I love the fresh herbs growing around your home and always great when you can go and pick them.
    The shadow shot is great too.

    Hope that you are enjoying the weekend

  14. Good that you are using what space you have... Small spaces to make it so that a lot of prioritizing has to happen. :)

  15. I love to thin out and eat what I've thinned. I used to do that with lettuce. Fantastic shadow.

  16. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Great shadows, so bright!

  17. Mario would like an invitiation to visit once those basil plants sprout :)


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