
Friday 10 June 2011

Anoushka the baby hare

Anoushka is an adorable baby hare made by Annette of Dragon House of Yuen. This photo shows Anoushka's beautiful patterning. in the background is Annette's adorable rabbit Arabella, who I was lucky enough to be able to stroke and chat to when I visited them recently. Like all of Annette's hares, Anoushka has her very own story to tell, which you can read on Annette's blog here (scroll down to find Anoushka's story, but make sure the read all the stories there!). As if that wasn't enough reason to visit Annette's blog, then she's also doing a Giveaway. Yes, you have the chance to win one of Annette's beautiful hares (handmade from recycled fabrics!) if you comment on her blog and help her with some ideas about her stories. You can help out by reading and commenting on this post.

And for all those of you who enjoyed the recent spoof Springwatch videos from Charlotte at Cottontails Baby, she's made some more, which you can watch here.


  1. How cute is Anoushka! (And better yet, no doots!)

  2. thank you so much Juliet for posting about the hares, and having Arabella on here :)
    I put in an entry for you since blogger was being, er, itself!!

    many thanks, good luck!

    ps hope Anoushka is busy penning and nibbling away?

  3. Hi Juliet,

    Anoushka is adorable and thank you for sharing your friends blog.
    Will go across for a visit.

    Happy weekend

  4. Arabella is pretty like The Princess! What a bunny should really be!

  5. That's a wonderful hare. Beautiful.

  6. What an adorable shot.

  7. Hooray for making beautiful items by hand from recycled materials! Come to think of it, my blog post today is quite related to that:

  8. Anoushka and Arabella are both so adorable!

  9. Aw, two gorgeous rabbits!


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