
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Dandelions & Rabbits

oh dandelions!
if only we could see them
with a rabbit's eyes!

You can read an imagined (and fanciful!) bunny's eye view of dandelions here starring our bunny Anya (now sadly no longer with us).

but not all rabbits are impressed by dandelions, as you can see here on Houseful of Rabbits.


  1. What a lovely idea Juliet - I find the idea enchanting.

  2. I loved dandelions when I was little, I used to pick them all for mum to put in the lounge room vase.

  3. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Do the rabbits eat them? I kind of like dandelions, and don't mind them in the grass at all.

  4. Thanks Weaver!

    BlossomFlowerGirl - that's so sweet!

    Sandy - some rabbits eat the flowers, most rabbits eat the leaves

  5. Anya is super-cute, and I can't believe you ruined her dream like that. A little horrifed to say that when Titus dreams he whimpers and twitches and I'm pretty certain he's dreaming of... rabbits.
    And Winnie! Who couldn't love Winnie's studied lack of enthusiasm?

  6. Titus - Anya was super cute yes, we miss her now she's gone... Yes Titus probably does dream of rabbits..

  7. Anya was a beautiful bun Juliet! I know you must miss her.
    xx, shell

  8. Anya was beautiful. She looks exactly like our Weuschel at the rescue. Almost twins. Some of the buns around here like the dandelions and some of them dont.

  9. As a kid I used to watch the wild rabbits eat clover and do their darndest to avoid dandelions. I used to wonder why they did that until I tried them both at about 8 years old. One was sweet, the other bitter.

  10. Anya reminds me of Elvis at Eye of the Needle. Definitely some of that Zoey Lionhead!

  11. I've never had a rabbit that didn't love dandelion greens.

  12. Somehow this combination should become a children's book, Juliet. Dandelions and Rabbits just has a ring to it that invites further exploration!

  13. I like the haiku. Nicely whimsical. I love rabbits and used to have one when I was a kid. Sadly, when one has greyhounds, rabbits are not an option, but this really brings back some memories.


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