
Saturday 5 February 2011

new lamb at Gorgie Farm

We visited Gorgie City Farm today! We were delighted to catch sight of this little lamb! It's a Suffolk breed lamb, they always lamb early. The Ryeland sheep are due to start lambing in March. Next door to his pen was a private children's party where bunnies and guinea pigs were being passed from hand to hand, so the lamb was being left in relative peace.

We were also impressed to see a series of carrier bags being used as planters - a nice example of recycling.
Near the entrance to the Farm's Herb Garden is a lovely alder tree. So, for Tree Year, here is a photo that shows the beautiful male and female catkins on this tree. You can see photos of the tree in Spring here.

We also bought some vegetables from the farm's produce stall, which you can read more about here.

As ever, red text in this post, includes hyperlinks to pages where you can find out more.


  1. The alder is my favourite tree as it is so beautiful is the winter as well as the summer.
    Seeing my first lamb always makes for a red letter day too.

    Like the idea of recycled carrier bags.

  2. Aww what a cute lamb!
    I'm glad that the lamb could experience some peacefulness.

    And the alder tree is so beautiful...
    I really like the word, "catkin"

  3. Aren't baby animals just the cutest. Love the baby lamb. Wonderful photos.

  4. All lovely, but the lamb has it!

  5. I like the lamb, too. Also, the artful photo at the top of your site.


  6. Sounds like you had a great visit, and seeing a new lamb does bring thoughts of brighter weather as Spring approaches. I've noticed that thinking of Tree Year encourages me to look at trees in a new light, noticing things I wouldn't otherwise see. Your Alder with catkins makes a lovely silhouette.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I used to pass the Gorgie city farm from time to time but I can't say I've ever been in - it must have been going for over 20 years now. I should put it on my list of things to have a look at.

  9. Anonymous10:25 am

    Lovely pictures, sign that spring is on its way! Love lambs too, and your previous posting of your oriental style wrapping...genius! ;)

  10. Love the lamb -- and, that carrier bag makes an eye-catching planter.

  11. Love how the bag was used for a planter...

  12. That lamb is just precious!
    I have never seen an Alder tree. Lovely!


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