
Saturday 29 January 2011

Slow Slow internet

Our internet connection is painfully slow at the moment so I've decided to do as little as possible online until its up and running properly again (which should be before this time next week).

Today we were doing the Big Garden Birdwatch at the Edinburgh Botanics. We didn't see an amazing variety of birds, but we did see some long tailed tits (one of my favourites) and met a very friendly robin, who landed right in front of us and sang softly for five minutes. It also took some food from my hand. Crafty Green Boyfriend took some wonderful photos which I hope to share later (not now, it would take far too long to upload the photos with the current slow internet!).

So I won't be posting here or visiting other blogs for about a week, but after that things should be back to normal.


  1. Hope your Internet gets better soon - I feel your pain, trust me!
    I love LTTits and Robins too, looking forward to see the photos :)

  2. Sounds like a good day--and I look forward to your photos! Sorry your internet is slow. Ours is via satellite and heavy wind--like tonight--sometimes takes us offline.

  3. I hate it when the internet is being slow. It makes me want to take my laptop and throw it out the window.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the bird photos too :)

  4. I love Edinburgh Botanic Gardens, Juliet. On my first visit I got bit by an aggressive squirrel. :O) It wasn't really aggressive and it was my own fault..... I held my hand out to it to pet it and it must have thought I was offering it a peanut. It bit into my finger and wouldn't let go for what seemed like ages! Luckily my tetanus was up-to-date. :D

    Hope your internet connection improves soon. It's so frustrating.

  5. Anonymous8:19 pm

    I am looking forward to the photos. Sorry your internet is ailing.


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