
Monday 31 January 2011


This is the robin that so delighted us on Saturday in the Botanic gardens. He sat close to us and sang for us.


  1. It's a beauty!

  2. Anonymous8:34 pm

    What an adorable wee guy. Little birds like him instil such hope in me. Fantastic photo!

  3. I love the robin's song Juliet - but aren't they aggressive little chaps? The blue and great tits have started singing here this week - that is a good sign.

  4. Anonymous8:49 pm

    What a sweet little bird. It looks so much smaller than our robin, but shares the red breast.

  5. Adorable little robin (and an excellent photo)! I imagine it must've been a very enjoyable serenade.

  6. Such a beautiful little guy. Your robins sure do look different from ours. Yours is blue!

  7. so sweet, our robins are much larger here (unless this is a baby?) and have not yet returned from warmer places. They are the mark of spring where I live, and we have more snow on the way. I'm enjoying seeing spring emerge in other places already though:)

  8. Wonderul photo - you were so lucky to have him be so close to get the shot (what a cutey).

  9. very cute. Our robins are bigger. But we have a few who seem to stay here over the winter. Early spring we are on the migration route and get thousands!!!

  10. A very attractive bird -- and a great shot of it.

  11. As a kid, when we saw the first Robin of Spring (the American Robin) we licked our thumb, touched it to the palm of the other hand and then hit that wet spot with the side of the fist of the first hand! Brought good luck!

    Kind of like "White Rabbit, White Rabbit"

  12. Kay, Rabbits' Guy - these robins are with us all year, they sing even in the middle of winter!

    Weaver - they can be very aggressive, this one wasn't though!

    Sandy, Lisa, Laura, Kay, yes our robin is smaller than the American robin and looks quite different apart from the red breast.

  13. And what a beautiful photo you managed to get of him too - I often try to photograph robins, but find it ever so difficult and have no shots like that! :)

  14. Love the sweet robin Juliet. They are so friendly. We have one in the garden who waits for me to put out fresh seed and fat pellets every morning and often comes down before I have finished.

    I enjoyed your pink bun story too. I think we all freely buy cosmetics without ever thinking to check the details of manufacture. I cannot believe a so-called civilised society is using such a cruel and outdated method of testing products. I am definitely going to be much more careful myself in future although, like you, I use very little.

  15. I love the details of its feathers and texture and color; great photo.

  16. Only within the last week have I been able to get a photo of my resident robin. Up until now it has been very good at giving me the runaround. It must have been such a treat for you to have your robin so close. It really is a lovely photo. x

  17. Bird of The Secret Garden!


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