
Saturday 22 January 2011

River of Stones

for A River of Stones


  1. so lovely to see green and water is so very cold here.

  2. Hi Juliet. I find more urban areas tend to take much better care of their natural resources and beautiful sites like the River Of Leith Conservation Trust. I suppose it is a case of more rural sites being spoiled by having too much and treating it a bit cavalierly. How wonderful that Anthony Gormley has arrived. I rate his work very highly. Lucky you seeing a kingfisher. They are like goldust around here because we are a county of fairly flat chalk streams without the steep sides they like to nest in.

  3. Lovely shot of the water rushing over those flat stones. I bet the sound is soothing too.

  4. Is that Ivy? Here English ivy is invasive and very prevalent. Hours of yearly labor spent working to eradicate it!

  5. Rabbits' Guy - yes, ivy can be troublesome here too, but lots of birds like to live in it when it grows over trees

    Cathy - Water of leith Conservation Trust is pretty unique in being a charity set up to look after one river but I think in a lot of cities as you say there is more concern over nature, because we are aware that there's not that much around (though Edinburgh is lucky)

    Laura, EG Wow thanks!

  6. that looks so old, as if hand hewn?is it slate?

    so nice to share the world.

  7. Those stones look well worn and polished by rushing water! Lovely photo!


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