
Friday 21 January 2011

Above the Weir

a flash of kingfisher across the river disappears in the bushes

I took the photo just above one of the weirs along the Water of Leith. We saw the kingfisher further along the river in Stockbridge and it certainly wasn't going to stop for a photo! Always a wonderful bird to see!
I took lots of photos of the historic buildings along the Water of Leith in Dean Village and I'll be posting those in the next few weeks on my Over Forty Shades blog. Currently over there is a photo of a building in Colinton Village, also along the Water of Leith.
As ever, red text contains hyperlinks to other websites where you can find out more!


  1. What a still, perfect reflection and a terrific capture, Juliet! I love it! Lovely setting! Hope you have a great weekend!


  2. Mavis6:38 pm

    Beautiful picture - and I'm envious about the kingfisher - we don't get them here on Islay = I shouldn't grumble though when we have chough and corncrake

  3. Just beautiful....
    I feel guilty as I am falling so far behind in stones but I'm also noticing so much more than I might have without this challenge.....

    Have a creative day......


  4. What an interesting photo, Juliet. Wonderful reflection.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. isn't that the way of a bird to fly away so one can't get a photo. that photo is great. i love the reflection. hope all is well. have a great night.

  6. Seems like all birder blogs have lots of bird-butt photos!

  7. Beautiful reflection in the still water. Lovely photo.

  8. Such a clear reflection, which makes it easy to imagine seeing a colourful Kingfisher flying above it.

  9. Beautiful photograph - just think of all the wildlife amongst all that ivy on the riverbank.

    I've only ever seen a kingfisher once.... a blurred turquoise haze travelling at great speed! I could hardly make it out at all. :O)

  10. How wonderful, a kingfisher is something i have never yet been lucky enough to see! Beautiful photo.

  11. nice reflection, crystal clear!

  12. Very beautiful! I don't know how anyone manages to photograph kingfishers, they're like shooting stars, gone before you find their name x

  13. I like the way you framed you picture, with the reflection, but not the building reflected... Nice shot, indeed...

  14. It's a beautiful reflection, even without the kingfisher :-)


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