
Tuesday 25 January 2011

Off to London!

I'm off to London today to do some radio interviews for Whole Earth Foods as part of my prize in their recent Good Life competition.

I took the photo yesterday along the Water of Leith. I was impressed by the beautiful rich autumnal colours in the fungi and the birch bark, which contrast so nicely with the delicate fresh green ferns!

Back soon!


  1. Have lots of fun! I'm quite jealous, have been yearning for a trip to London, of late!

  2. Wow! Congratulations on the winning (must have missed that news) and enjoy yourself up the smoke! Lots of great stuff on at the moment if you've got a while, if not, all the best with the interviews. How do we hear the results?

  3. Well done, enjoy your trip.

  4. Have a lovely time and let us know if you spot any snowdrops out down there.

  5. Have a lovely time and let us know if you spot any snowdrops out down there.

  6. Congratulations on your win!

  7. Have a great trip. I know you will be articulate, wonderful and green.

  8. Have a safe trip, and enjoy!

  9. congrats on your well deserved win. hope you have a great time.

  10. Anonymous11:24 pm

    Enjoy your interviews - terrific colours and textures in the photo - I've been photographing fungi lately - lots popping up after the rain.

  11. I hope the interviews go well!

    The fungi and ferns look so fresh in this photo!

  12. Looking forward to hearing how your trip and experience was. Congratulations once again.

    I wonder if those are turkeytail fungi the same as Flighty has on his allotment logs.

  13. Lovely shot! The ferns are especially refreshing. Wishing you great interviews. :)

  14. Wonderful photo, so earthy! Good luck with the interviews, I hope to hear more about them in your blog. Thanks.

  15. Wow 'em!

    Too bad when it comes down to people or trees.

    So far so good out here - quite a bit of compromise and good stewardship. Fingers crossed.

  16. That's a lovely shot!
    I admire the lush colours (especially since I don't get to see them here ;))

    Wishing you loads of fun in London!

  17. Beautiful nature composition!


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