
Thursday 27 January 2011

Crafty Green Radio

I had an interesting and productive day in a recording studio yesterday, being interviewed by radio presenters from local radio stations across the UK as part of winning the Whole Earth competition to find a green spokesperson. Some of the interviews went out live sone were pre-recorded but have probably aired by now. To my slight embarressment I was described by some presenters as the UK's most sustainable and self sufficient resident, this is not something I have ever claimed though I am delighted to have had such an excellent opportunity to act as a spokesperson for all the sustainable and self sufficient people in this country! It was also very interesting to have the experience of talking to so many radio presenters, I found the whole process a lot less daunting than part of me had thought it might be in advance! There should be a podcast available from the sessions, so if that does become available I'll link to it from this blog.


  1. Congratulations! I look forward to hearing the podcast.

  2. Huzzah! And many, many well deserved congratulations! :)

  3. How exciting. Congrats on getting recognised for your achievements. Look forward to the podcast.

    Kat :-)

  4. Wow! and well done. Love to hear the podcast, hope it's available soon.
    Having said that, I've just realised I have no idea how to access a podcast. I presume via the internet and a usual PC is OK?

  5. I think you deserve that title - not many people around go to the lengths that you do :) Can't wait to hear the podcast if that eventuates.

  6. Magazine, TV Show, World wide tours, ... and we all knew her "when"!

    The podcast will be great!

  7. Sounds like a great day, with some terrific experiences. What a great opportunity to spread your message of sustainability and eco-awareness!

  8. I'm looking forward to the podcast too! :D

  9. I wonder how many times, Juliet, I have used the word, 'inspirational' (even if only in my head) as a result of reading your posts! What an experience for you, too.

  10. Happy to hear it went well, and I hope you'll post the podcast link when you have it. :)

  11. This is fantastic. Congratulations, Juliet! I can only aspire to becoming your counterpart here in Oregon.


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