
Friday 7 January 2011

Down by the River

broken sea-shells scattered on frosty grass
gulls float on the water, which ripples beneath them in lilac and turquoise
Where the old school was demolished is now an empty field, part frozen over. Gulls and a curlew gather round the ice.
snow on the hills across the river, an oystercatcher's piping call


  1. broken sea-shells scattered on frosty grass
    It's powerful to mix images of sea and land like that. It's like the thrill you get when you find out that some desert or prairie you're walking on was once actually under the ocean.

  2. colours, birds, ice/snow/frozen and water (salt and sweet)
    and "gulls" here sounds "girls" also whose school is now frozen and empty.. you are a talented poetess.
    passing through your blog, I've got/felt real pleasure. I am really eager to hear you reciting this poem.

  3. wonderful word images..I could see it.

  4. Anonymous9:13 pm

    I like the images, too.
    This piece feels personal.

  5. Gorgeous small stones. I like them all but my favourite is "broken sea-shells scattered on frosty grass". I like the image and the rhythm. I could imagine it being part of a song. I think it could work as an inspirational writing prompt as well.

    Kat :-)

  6. Anonymous11:49 pm

    yes, I too like this surprising combination 'broken sea-shells scattered on frosty grass'

  7. I feel like I'm down at the river with you and I can hear the oystercatcher calling too.

  8. these are like little miniature paintings--thanks

  9. I learn so much from the good example and the expanatory commenting!

    Cold and frost coming here again too ... brrr.

  10. I love the lilac and turquoise... unexpected colors for me.

    I also love that you include the memory of the torn down building... and that it's now a field, showing growth since the destruction.


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