
Saturday 8 January 2011

Another day, another river

an otter porpoises round a rock in the middle of the river

along the Water of Leith

(this is only the second time we've ever seen an otter! It played in front of us for several minutes!)

for A River of Stones


  1. Wonderful! We saw one in the wild for the first time on the Isle of Mull in September.

  2. Fantastic. We've so often watched and waited at a nearby woods but so far not been lucky enough to see the otters.

    Kat :-)

  3. So enchanting. I love otters.

  4. Anonymous12:23 am

    Wow, how lucky are you!

  5. HOW very exciting!!! otters are so graceful and humorous, both.

  6. Love to see otters! They have so much fun!

  7. Oh, that was a very obliging otter. I've only seen them once.... a whole family travelling down a woodland stream, but they were very cautious.

  8. I would love to see an otter in the wild. Sadly, I've only ever seen them at small zoos, and I grew up in the country. Sign of the times? Lovely posts and stones. I like the one about the tenacious mouse too.

  9. Well spotted - even that bronze otter they've got down there on the Water of Leith is pretty difficult to spot (and it isn't going anywhere)


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