
Tuesday 26 October 2010


It's apple season and Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents have two apple trees in their garden, so we're inundated with apples at the moment. One of their trees is a cooking apple tree and these apples make wonderful apple crumbles. I've almost perfected my apple crumble recipe, though I've found that the ones I am less careful with turn out better, which I find is often the way with my cooking!

The other tree is an eating apple tree, we're not sure what variety, though we think it's the Laxton's Superb. It's a wonderful apple, slightly crisp, not too sweet and quite juicy but not too much. It has a lovely taste too, totally different from the packaged apples available in most shops. Actually I rarely eat apples, unless they come from Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents' garden.

Find out all about apples, orchard and apple varieties on Orange Pippin.
Abundance Edinburgh is an organisation devoted to orchard and apples in Edinburgh.

(red text in this post links to external websites, where you can find out more)


  1. Apple season reminds me of a few years ago my now deceased grandmother had found out about an birthday party being planned for her 80th. She did not like being the center of attention and was so mad she decided to go pick up all the apples out of the back yard until she would give herself a heat stroke. Day 1, no luck. Day 2, no luck. Day 3, no luck but she noticed that was the best she had felt in 20 years. Turned out to be a great birthday for her.

  2. I think we had a Laxton Superb in our garden when we came. the apples were nice, but got soft on store. They were ok to eat but lovely in cooking.

  3. Kelly - that's a wonderful story, thanks for sharing!

    Elizabeth - I'm not convinced they're Laxton's, that's what they look like but the taste is definitely superior to anyone's description of them. Having said that it could just be different tastes for different people!

  4. Apple crumble .... makes my mouth water. A stop at the nearest farm stand is in order.

  5. Anonymous10:25 pm

    Do the call the old ones heirloom apples there? We have gotten a few of the old varieties grown here in New England.

    I would rather have a crumble than a pie any day.

  6. Apples and autumn:
    a magical pair
    a memory
    a glimpse of love.

    How's that for a few words of poetry, Juliet? Right, I know, needs a bit of work, but thought you'd appreciate the sentiment :)

    By the way, there's an owl in SunnyRoomStudio without a name ... and I know you'll love the guest post ... in the meantime, thanks for sharing the story of your apples ... my grandmother had 3 trees and the neighborhood children flocked to her house in the fall ... she handed out her apples in bags she'd readied for them. I have a poem or 2 about her in SunnyRoomStudio: a gem!

  7. Apple crumble--I first made that in high school home economics class.

    My aunt had several apple trees. She used the apples to make delicious pies and apple cider. Her cider was much better than the grocery store variety.

  8. Ambrosia, fuji, and gala are my favorite types! Happy apple season!

  9. Our three trees had mixed results - but plenty to enjoy!

    Laxtons lived in the house just beyond the vacant lot next to our house. We played baseball in the lot as kids. I hit one through their window once - ouch.

    Crumble! (Yumble!)

    My Halloween apple story:

    Kid is Trick-or-treating. First house a guy gives him a cookie in his bag. Mother says - "What do you say, Johnny?" .. kid says "Thank You." Next house a guy drops an apple in his bag. Mother says - "What do you say, Johnny?" Johnny looks in the bag - "SOB broke my cookie!"

  10. Saw you over on "She Writes" ... I am new to their blog group too and wanted to stop by and say hello. Really enjoyed hearing about your bumper apple harvest ... we don't get changing autumn leaves or apple trees where I am on Grand Bahama Island, but I do love the way the web can give us peeks into each other's cyberworlds!

    Happy writing,

  11. Anonymous10:04 am

    I'd like to grow apples but a bit too hot where I live - there are probably a variety that suits this climate, so must investigate.


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