
Tuesday 20 July 2010

Organic Fortnight

It's only six weeks to the Soil Association's Organic Fortnight (3-17 September). This year's theme is Choosing Organic Everyday and we want to encourage as many people as possible to view organic products as an everyday choice for everyone.

You can find resources for Organic Fortnight on the Soil Association website:

Get Involved in Organic Fortnight.
Five Reasons to Go Organic

Soil Association Scotland plans to be actively promoting Organic Fortnight on Twitter. You can follow us at:

I will be blogging about organic issues during the fortnight. It would be great if you could join me! If you would like to do this, please leave a message in the comments section. Then I can make a list of everyone who blogs about Organic Fortnight. This helps to publicise your blog as well as developing a critical mass of people blogging on organic issues during the Fortnight.

Also if you know of any organic events happening in Scotland during Organic Fortnight, please let me know so that we can help to publicise them to a wider audience.

Thanks to the following bloggers who are hoping to blog about Organic Fortnight:

Elizabeth at Luchair
Caroline at Coastcard
Gabrielle Bryden
Chatters at Nature's Cat


  1. I am always disturbed to have "organic" so closely portrayed with preserving the environment for the future. Where I live, in great farming country, but only with 80,000 acres to farm, organic is a niche in the stores, very expensive, and viewed as a novelty except to a few very granola-ee people who do not give the regular farmer a lot of slack.

    It is one thing to farm 10 acres, or maybe even 40 as organic. But to make money with 1200 acres of potatoes, full organic may not be an option yet, due to pests, short growing season, and irrigation issues.

    I hope it grows and becomes much more the norm, but if not, I would not like to see the whole environment movement tainted by it less of success.

  2. We like organic!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. We do it and do 4Buns, well except for pellets, but if I could find organic pellets they would have them.

  4. Rabbits Guy - it's true a farm doesn't need to be registered organic to be truly organic (registration is an expensive process) and it doesn't need to be organic to be helping the environment. I think its a good start if all farmers reduce the amount of chemicals they use as much as possible and avoid the most damaging ones.

    Bunns - Anya used to love organic, once she ate our brand new organic cotton sheets, which was her naughtiest moment ever!

    D Moll - I never found organic rabbit pellets...

  5. I'm planning to put a mention on the Lúcháir web-site.

  6. I will mention this on my site. I think its great and agree with your comment about farmers even being able to make a start on growing organic foods or simply reducing the amount of chemicals.

    I would like to be involved in this. It may only be simple what I have to say. As I would like to talk about organic gardening and being able to grow your own veg in a small space.

  7. I would certainly like to play a small part in your OrganicFest!

    Would hope to do a blogpost]... probably on my Coastcard blog.

  8. Hello, Juliet.

    We have a little hobby farm, and my husband is the gardener. He spends a lot of time picking off caterpillars and Japanese beetles from his precious plants, something I am very grateful for. And so are the chickens, ducks and turkeys, who get to eat them!

    Thank you for your kind comment at my synch-ro-ni-zing poem.

  9. i'll bet you're excited about the organic fortnight. i think organic is definitely a good way to start the action towards not using chemicals. they can be very harmful. it is expensive though as i've tried to buy organic in the store before and couldn't keep up with it's price demand. hope all is well.

  10. Anonymous10:52 pm

    I'll try to do a post on organic - put my thinking cap on ;)Our garden (and chooks - their eggs anyhow) is organic and everything on the property stays on the property through onsite mulching and recycling and warm farm etc.,

  11. Anonymous1:24 am

    I will definitely blog - I'll blog about the relationship between exposure to toxic substances in the environment (pesticides, plastics etc.,) and the epidemic of developmental disorders - scientists are admitting that exposure to environmental pollution is partly responsible for the rise in autism and other disorders (ADHD, ODD, PDD etc) and that the genetic componet only accounts for a small proportion of cases.


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