
Monday 19 July 2010

Monday Bunny - Mocca the Musical Bunny

Mocca is the resident bunny and mascot for Belvedere Mountain Express. She is a large and friendly French lop who lets me play with her and talk to her before I record my poems. Mocca isn't allowed in the recording studio itself, all those wires, but waits patiently outside. I'm impressed how agile a bunny she is for one so large, she enjoys leaping onto the sofa where she has a special blanket that she digs at and chews.

I had hoped to take some photos of Mocca when I visited, but my camera broke so here's a link to Howard's gallery of Mocca photos on Flickr.

I have been recording a number of poems recently with musical accompaniment that Howard specially composed for the launch of my poetry chapbook Unthinkable Skies. We're hoping to make an EP featuring musical settings of some of the poetry from the chapbook. Three poems have been set to music specially composed and two have been set to pre-existing tracks. You can listen to the latter two on the Belvedere Mountain Express Myspace Page (scroll down a bit in the musical box to hear them).


  1. Mocca is adorable. glad your working so hard on your poetry. wish mine would spring forth again. hope all is well.

  2. Wow, your Unthinkable Skies music collaboration sounds really exciting - and those pix of Mocca are soooo cute! She's huge!

  3. I loved the photos of Mocca. What a wonderful bun.

    Unthinkable Skies is pretty cool, too.

  4. The on-the-back flop photos are adorable! What you're doing with your poetry sounds very cool.

  5. Mocca does some impressive bunny flops!

  6. Mocca is a cutey of a bunny Juliet. I enjoyed hearing your poems and the music - a great combination.

  7. Glad to see our lovely bunny is such a hit! Unfortunately the only musical thing about her is when she plays percussion – either by stamping loudly on the floor of the hall in the middle of the night, or by noisily throwing her bowls around in her dining area, as she did early this morning.

    It’s funny to think of her as a Belvedere Mountain Express mascot, though. As James Yorkston has a picture of his (deceased?) cat on the CD of When the Haar Rolls In, maybe I should put a picture of Mocca on the packaging of the forthcoming Belvedere Mountain Express album!

  8. (sigh) I suppose we need a big bunny like Mocca.

  9. I love rabbits and I should think that patting a beautiful French Lop would be very calming before the stress of performing.


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