
Tuesday 8 June 2010

Oil Spill poetry

As the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues and will have devastating effects on the wildlife and ecology of the area for a while into the future, a lot of people are responding through poetry. Here are links to a few:

Poets for Living Waters is an online collection of poetry related to the oil spill

The Black Flood is another online collection of poetry related to the oil spill

Deepwater by Hannah Stephenson on The Storialist

The Plume by Rae Spencer on Bolts of Silk

Oil Spill by Justin Wade Thompson on Bolts of Silk

In Plight by Rachel Kalyna on Bolts of Silk

Pelican haiku and seagull haiku on Haiku News

What if I were a pelican? by Ana Tun on Anais

Washing Away by Julie Buffaloe Yoder on Buffaloe Pen

A British Petroleum found pantoum by Angie Werren on Woman Ask the Question

My Ecstasy (written before the oil spill) by Khakjaan Wessington on Toylit

For Our Sins by Karen Nowviskie on Keeping Secrets

Please feel free to let me know of other poems on this theme that I can link to here! I'm sure there are others that I could include!

If you're looking for information about birds affected by the oil there are lots of places to read too, but Rabbits Guy has recommended Birdchick's blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wire in haiku form about the LA state bird (the brown pelican)

    I thinks you shall also mention "slick" by one Edinburgh poet Juliet Wilso.
    Immodest, I know. But I'll join you with "If I were a pelican":
    Anaïs: Under the big tent :step 3

  3. It's a terrible tragedy. I live across the country from the Gulf, but have visited there. It's hard to believe that such a beautiful area could be so needlessly destroyed.

  4. what a great idea to share links to everyone's work. i think it's great bringing attention to the animals that've been harmed during the oil spill.

    also, sounds like you've had another great walk around the Water of Leith. sorry about those midges.

  5. It's not poetry but at the site you can rummage around and find the Birdchik's blog and read some interesting and knowledgeable things about the bird issues there in the spill area.

  6. Thank you for those links. I'm glad that poets are making their voices heard about this horrible event through their art.

  7. If you have the time do click on The Poetry Bus entries on my sidebar - one of them is a brilliant poem on the oil slick - such a disaster isn't it.

  8. How very tragic and harmful these oil spills turn out to be, and they have horribly long lasting consequences to nature and wildlife. I will make a cup of tea and check out the links but will probably end up in tears!

  9. Thank you for posting these links. I have not looked at them yet as I am sickened by the present and future devastation as a result of this tragic failure and I feel sure that, like Cathy, I will end up in tears.

  10. thank you, Juliet.
    I hope these poems can help, if just doing no more than letting me release some of the emotion.

    it is a tragedy beyond words.

  11. Hey - nice post - just wanted to let you know there is another oil spill poem on Haiku News now as well:

    All the best-
    Dick Whyte

  12. I wrote about the oil spill just before it happened.

  13. Juliet -- there is a new site started by Mark Folse called "the black flood" at

    his goal is to offer "writers a place to publish their most immediate reactions of the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico."

    he has been kind enough to post my found pantoum. I encourage everyone to stop by and contribute.

  14. Nice topic in a useful blog

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  15. Thanks for sharing this list of links. I'll be following these out.

  16. Hi, Juliet. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to come by and thank you for including me. I've been out of town and not much internet connection on the road. I will check out all of the links you have. Thank you for sharing these!


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