
Sunday 14 March 2010

Unthinkable Skies

My poetry chapbook Unthinkable Skies is currently at the printers and will be available from 22 March. You can order it from: or if you will be at Stanza Poetry Festival in St Andrews then you will probably be able to buy it there.

The title Unthinkable Skies is taken from one of the poems in the collection and most of the poems feature the sky in some way. Yes there are lots of birds in there but lots of other themes to interest the non-birdwatchers among you.

There will be a launch event at some point and I'm hoping to do several other readings over the next few months, mostly in Edinburgh but also in other parts of Scotland and even perhaps in Manchester and Bristol, depending on opportunities. I'll keep you up to date on these kind of things, though I hope not to become boring about it. You can always check this post here for updates of what I'm doing.


  1. It's a great title!

  2. I agree with Rachel. All most exciting, CGP!

    Can't wait to see your beach hut poem... in due course.

  3. Rachel - thanks

    Caroline - thanks too, my beach hut poem will appear eventually, i hope....

  4. Fantastic title, Juliet!
    Celebration is under way :) xx

  5. I will come to your launch if at all possible, but as I'm going to be at StAnza on Thursday, I may just have to buy it then!

  6. Thanks nat!

    Elizabeth - it would be lovely to see you at the launch, I'll let you know when it is as soon as i know!

  7. good luck on the launch of your book..I am sure it is a dream realized

  8. Congratulations, Juliet. It is a wonderful and intriguing title! We will be buying a copy and wish you the best of luck with the book and the readings.


  9. Kay - indeed it is, thanks!

    Claire - thanks, I hope you enjoy it!

  10. Congratulations! Wish I could come.... :)

  11. Congratulations!! You must be very excited and proud. We must check it out!

    Enjoy all the travel!

  12. if you are interested in a book swap let me know my Haiku Book titled Moments published by authorhouse 2007 you can email me
    and we can exchange postal addresses

    much love

  13. ever since you mentioned you had a chapbook coming out, i wondered what you would call it. an outstanding title and wish i had thought of it myself. i have no idea how to translate pounds to dollars, so i have no idea with shipping too, how much it will cost to bring one over the pond; but if it's not to hefty, i hope i have the ducats to buy one. a new book is always exciting! congrats, juliet.
    love, 'pie

  14. Deb, Lisa - thanks

    Gillena - great idea!

    Robin - my publisher will be seeing to overseas postage costs over the next few days and these will be on the website very soon. I don't know the exchange rate I'm sorry...

  15. Congratulations on the chapbook publication, Juliet! Intriguing title.


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