
Saturday 13 March 2010

Another Spring Ritual

We wandered through the Meadows in Edinburgh today admiring the crocuses, which are at their best. Crafty Green Boyfriend wasn't the only person with a camera crouching in front of fields of flowers. It's nice to see that people make the effort to come out to enjoy nature's displays. Not only the crocuses either, there were a lot of redwings around (see Crafty Green Boyfriend's photo below), they were congregating on the edge of a football game and flew up into the trees whenever the players came too close and then down onto the field again when the action moved away. They'll be thinking of leaving the country again soon. It was nice to see them here in such numbers today and and also yesterday, the Meadows is traditionally a good place to see redwings in Edinburgh but I hadn't had much luck over the past couple of years.


  1. Those early springtime flowers are always so very welcome to my winter weary eyes. We have masses of daffodils here, although I must say, they are rather late this year. A result of this unusually cold winter!

  2. I love redwings.
    They only rarely make it into our garden in the winter, so it's exciting to spot them!

  3. such a beautiful field of flowers!

  4. Calling him CGB makes it sound like you made him in a workshop!

  5. Lovely post, CGP. I'm glad the crocuses have all burst open for you. Spring is so slow this year - but I have now seen a dandelion in flower.

  6. They look gorgeous, it must have been wonderful in person! great photos of the crocuses.

  7. a sea of colours, Juliet - beautiful :))

  8. How pretty. Our Crocus are just done, as are most of the daffodils. Now we await the Tulips!!!

  9. Mine are still just emerging! Lovely pictures, glad Spring is happening somewhere.

  10. Anonymous10:20 am

    we've got some primroses and snow drops at my sisters place in herefordshire...but they are such a welcome splash of colour!

  11. Anonymous2:33 pm

    I was thinking redwing blackbird. Just looked up yours.

    So far, I haven't seen a crocus. They are usually one of the first we have blooming.

    You know, you seem to have such wonderful places to walk and look at nature. Wish it was more like that here.

  12. Lovely crocus pic.

    I think our redwings, fieldfares and lapwings really have gone now.

  13. i haven't seen any redwings here yet... but soon i hope...

  14. I'm so pleased to see the birds and the flowers--what a long winter it has been.

  15. Anonymous7:32 pm

    I'd never seen zebra finches outside a cage and saw a tree teeming with them a few days ago...the tree was almost alive with bird 'leaves' from blue tits to robins...a buzzard came and circled a while too..beautiful

  16. Beautiful flowers, I'm so excited that spring is just around the corner and all the colors can come out of hibernation now ;)

  17. Anonymous12:02 am

    Delightful 'ritual' and beautiful blossoms.
    Hugs and blessings,

  18. what lovely photographs- the crocuses are my favourite

  19. Absolutely stunning, what a spectacular carpet of flowers... really really gorgeous!

  20. Very pretty. Thanks for sharing.


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