
Wednesday 2 December 2009

icy pavements -
the alsatian pauses
before each step.

previously published in Haiku Scotland 21


  1. I always thought it was no longer politically correct to call German Shepherd dogs ‘Alsatian’, but I’ve just looked on Wikipedia (so it must be true!) and in fact it’s the reverse: they were known as Alsatian from wartime due to the word ‘German’ having bad connotations, and reverted to being German Shepherds in 1977. I imagine that ‘German Shepherd’ is a bit of a rubbish phrase to try to fit in a haiku, though …

  2. Anonymous11:15 pm

    I had to look the word up too. Not too surprising for me.

    Love your new header. Wish I was there.

  3. Yup - I was headed for my Funk and Wagnalls too! Heck - we were Dutch until about 1946 - then all of a sudden we were German!!!

  4. Congratulations, you are up there with the best of them!

  5. We have what is called "black ice" in Texas where I live. It is a hard layer of ice on concrete or asphalt, very hard to see, very tricky to walk upon. I have seen dogs, and people, slow-stepping their way across it, just as you so poetically depict in your wonderful haiku. I have done this myself! xo Kari

  6. Wise dog.

    I love the garden and nature photos in your recent posts. They are a feast for my eyes. Thank you.

    I wish we would have some real activism in the US in regards to climate change. What you are doing in Glasgow is to be commended. I'm still trying to find a way to incorporate some of my stronger environmental interests into my main blog.

  7. Anonymous3:20 am

    Sheer perfection. You are such a great observer of the finer details.


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