
Tuesday 1 December 2009

Hopes, Dreams and lots of Trees

The Book Of Hopes And Dreams is a charity poetry anthology, featuring Simon Armitage, Margaret Atwood, Carol Anne Duffy, Alasdair Gray, Edwin Morgan and many others, including me!

The Book Of Hopes And Dreams has been re-launched as an e-book and is available for a minimum donation of UK £1 or US $2 (though larger donations will be gratefully received). For more information on how to buy the book, please visit:

All funds raised will go direct to Spirit Aid, a volunteer run charity that works in Afganistan. To find out more about Spirit Aid go to:

Meanwhile the latest issue of the Festival of the Trees is up at Via Negativa. There are lots if interesting links about trees to browse through, including my post about Almondell Country Park.


  1. Wow, what an honour, to be in print alongside poet laureate. And how kind of you to share your work for such a worthy cause. I will be over to look at the link later today :)

  2. Thanks for the links, Juliet. :)

  3. Congratulations! I'll definitely be checking that out.

  4. That is certainly an auspicious group with whom to be included. Brava, Juliet!

    The hill in your header looks like one I climbed near Loch Lomond. (I'm sure it isn't, but it's bringing all the memories of sweat and shortness of breath right back to me!)

  5. I shall go and have a look, Juliet - I do so admire the way you really practise what you preach.

  6. It's not that easy being green.

    Muskoka is white this morning!
    Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !

  7. Thanks for signposting the book and congratulations for being in it!

  8. Anonymous11:19 pm

    You are amongst some amazing writers!

  9. Great good reading at the Festival of Trees

  10. Congratulations on your being a part of such a wonderful project. I am so impressed with your commitment to your own hopes and dreams and trees, too! xo Kari

  11. Congratulations on your being a part of such a wonderful project. I am so impressed with your commitment to your own hopes and dreams and trees, too! xo Kari

  12. Kari of Writing Up A Storm2:36 pm

    Ooops. Trying again! Congratulations on your being a part of such a wonderful project. I am so impressed with your commitment to your own hopes and dreams and trees, too! xo Kari

  13. What a wonderful thing to be in such good company Juliet. I look forward to reading about the Festival of Trees over a cup of tea this evening. You are so dedicated to doing and finding out about amazing and worthwhile projects. The Dunbar Close Garden sounds great too.

  14. this is a great venture/project to be part of! Very lovely.

  15. Congratulations, Juliet! It sounds awesome. If your work is in it, I know I will love it. I will go check it out right now.


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