
Tuesday 10 November 2009

More Frost

more photos from yesterday's walk along the Water of Leith, as is the new header.


  1. Those are proper frost pictures - I love that big umbel

  2. I love every one of your headers - I think my favourite was probably the chestnuts in their shells, but this one shows what a good frost you had - we had a tiny one here but nothing like as spectacular as that.

  3. Our frost was much milder as well. Great pictures.

  4. crafty green those are gorgeous ferwosty pics!!!! wow!! steven

  5. This is stunning.

    Cold winter salad
    Frosty greens are a mouthful
    Perhaps with iced tea

  6. Thoughts on your lovely photos:

    Velvet frost
    Ice-quilted coverlet
    Winter wool.

    Very inspiring blog! I'm from Texas and we are still a few weeks away from our first frost. xo Kari

  7. How nice! All we get here on the hot and humid Gulf Coast is dew. :(

  8. oohhh my heart. I can feel the air, the crisp...

    that leaf on your header so sensually showing its structures. Beautiful.

    Robert Frost must have stolen his name from these.

  9. Oh what a lovely blog.... Angela sent me here, and what a treat, made even more so by the RSPB sight to hear the birds.

  10. What lovely photos - the frost is so delicate and beautiful. We have not had any here yet!

  11. Hello dear friend,
    I came from weekend reflection, thanks for your kind words in our blog ( Bonjour Luxembourg ) and I would like to say your blog is outstanding!Specially this fabulous post!
    Have a nice week
    Léia :)

  12. Beautiful photos - I love this time of year!

  13. Lovely frosty pictures. Gorgeous time of year. We have only had a couple of mild frosts down south so far but it is obviously a lot colder where you are Juliet.

    The only drawback is having to get out of a warm bed in the mornings when I just want to turn over and go back to sleep...haha.

  14. Brrr ... but pretty. Here in the Pacific NW of the USA it is rain, rain rain ... dribble dribble dribble ...

  15. What I love is that you are so mindful of the natural world, so consistently connected to it, including sensually -- all while living in a city. Millions of people in the world would be happier (and then kinder) if they followed your example. It seems that kindness often follows happiness.

  16. Amazing to have such frost already. It's so lovely for photos isn't it? I like the banner one too.

  17. Beautiful pictures.
    We are still enjoying our Indian Summer...

  18. Wow, the frosty umbels look just fabulous!

  19. Anonymous12:28 pm

    Pretty! That one great walk, to produce such beauty.

  20. Anonymous4:02 pm

    What a great idea for your header. This is the first day we have had any visible frost so I am going to get out with my camera..Perfect for Nature Notes...Thank you.. Michelle

  21. I love your header photo. Perfect leaf.

  22. Hi Julia,

    Nice photos- am especially drawn to the second and your header!

  23. I love it when frost, ice or snow lies along the lines of plants and trees. It's such a beautiful look.

  24. Lovely frost shots!
    I love all the icicles!

  25. Anonymous2:59 am

    I love frost this time of year - it's so beautiful. In March I may have a different opinion. :)

  26. I love the way early frost looks. Great shots.


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