
Monday 9 November 2009

First Frost

The trees, mostly bare branched now, reach up to perfect blue skies. Melting frost falls like rain with a flurry of last leaves. Coal tits chatter.

A dog walker stops me. 'You've not got a dog!' he says surprised. I nod and smile. 'But everyone who walks here has a dog!'. He walks on shaking his head, his dog trotting along after him.

Frost white grass -
a thin mist rises
from the river.

A dipper calls loudly and flies quickly upstream.

along the Water of Leith


  1. Beautiful pics.....I guess explaining you had a sponsored rabbit named Driftwood, wouldn't really help the dog walker....

  2. I love the crispness of frost. We have the first forecast for snow. I'll believe it when I see it. :)

  3. Frost layers the land with beauty. You've captured it well.

  4. love the way you have the light falling onto the paths!

  5. Lovely banner, Juliet- we had our first frost here this week as well... simply magical...

  6. *You don't have a dog*

    The shots are lovely (and so is your new header).
    Must have been a lovely walk. Crisp and clean!

  7. I always enjoy these walks around Water of Leith with you. The surrounding area is gorgeous. As for the dog... phiff. It would have only served as a distraction from all this beauty you've shared. Have a great day.

    Also, love the idea of your recycling old gift wrap papers. If I may suggest something. You could take several different colored papers and make flowers with them.

  8. Enjoyed the walk with you, especially without the dog. Not that I have anything against dogs, mind you. It's the carelessness of some dog owners who don't clean up after the pooches that bothers me a bit. Not a pleasant stroll when you collect something smelly on the bottom of the shoes. Anyway, lovely place you have to walk, and thanks for the visit to my site.

  9. Love the light shining through on the first shot.

  10. Brrrrr!! Chilly picture!

  11. Anonymous8:31 pm

    I don't know what is more beautiful, the poem or the photos. Wish I was there to see the birds and feel the mist.

  12. Your banners are always top banana crafty. Likewise we has a light frost here in Blackburn

  13. That is truly beautiful.

  14. You have to appreciate, CGP, that as a North American, the name "coal tit" does give one pause.

    Stunning capture on film and in prose.

  15. Anonymous1:26 am

    Ha! Have to love a dog walker who can't imagine anyone walking without a canine friend.

    First frost? I had no idea you are so much warmer than my part of Ontario.

  16. That is a very beautiful piece of art masquerading as a blog post, Juliet. An illustrated poem story poem, so delicate and controlled and strangely simply beautiful, tone and content and manufacture.

  17. It's always such a pleasure to take a walk with you, even if you don't have a dog.
    The photos are stunning!

  18. Beautiful, Juliet. I've not got a dog, either, though I like dogs. Same with children.

  19. Brrrrrr ....

    A great walk ....

  20. what a peaceful setting for a walk...

  21. Beautiful frost photos -- and those on the following post too. I especially like the beam of sunlight penetrating into the dark woods.

    We've had only a couple of very light frosts so far and are past due for a heavy, killing frost.

  22. Edward and I would fit right in.

  23. beautiful, evocative words and images! (You are inspiring me to want to visit Edinburgh, btw)


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