
Sunday 6 September 2009

Shadowy Flowers


  1. This is a lovely shadow shot, so sharp and clear. I like the way the sun shines through the crystal.

  2. Wonderful shot. One of those things we can walk past everyday but fail to notice.

  3. Such a lovely crisp shadow! And the flowers are sweet. I like the angle of the shot too! Or did I just have one too many glasses of wine with my dinner? ;)

  4. hello crafty green, i like shadow shots of vases for the way the shadow of the vase seems to rush out and then suddenly expand into the flower shadows. there's a slowing down when the detail of the shadow arrives. i'd love to have a macro shot into what's going on in the vase - colours and shapes all over the place! have a peaceful day. steven

  5. Wow! The shadow is as beautiful as the vase! Gives a lot of info about the creative way the flowers were spread in the vase! Very beautiful!

  6. I love the variety of blues, pinks and purples in the vase and the flowers-beautiful. Is your banner picture yew? I really like it-that red is so yummy(though if it is yew obviously I mean visually!)

  7. jabblog, PurestGreen, Ellie - thanks!

    Hey Harriet - yes the shot is angled, you don't need to worry that you had too much wine!

    steven - yes that would be an interesting macro shot!

    Sarah - yes it's yew in my banner, the berries are just wonderful at the moment....

  8. Love the look of flowers on the table ~ such a nice touch...the shadow looks fab too!!

  9. Just beautiful! I enlarged it and was fascinated not only by the shadows but for the water and the details...Great!

  10. That shadow is so sharp - absolutely perfect Juliet.

  11. Nice to see that you still have a sunny day.

    Love the vase with fresh flowers. Cutie.

    Have a happy SS

  12. What a beautiful, crisp, clear shadow shot! I love it! It's so easy to miss shots like this -- or at least it was before I got into shadow shot! Gives you a new appreciation for the simple and beautiful things around you everyday!

    Have a great day!


  13. The shadow looks stamped on the tabletop - lovely!!!

  14. What a truly beautiful shot! Not just the flowers, and not just the shadows, and that's a real trick to pull off! Nice!

  15. Oooh -- such a crisp, sharp shadow! Great one!

  16. Absolutely beautiful! Such a crisp clear shadow of this lovely vase with blossoms!
    Hugs and blessings,

  17. delicate glass vase and shadows. wonderful shot!

  18. What a well defined shadow. What a wonderful capture.

    Thank you for the nice comment you left over my way.

  19. I love this shadow. It's so clear and bold.

  20. you captured a great shadow shot here. so clear and concise. love the flowers too. hope all is well.

  21. This says much more than a perfect straight photo who includes all. Yes, I like this shot very much, the colors are enchanting too, the emphasis on the complet shadow. Well done !

  22. Anonymous4:38 am

    What a cool shadow! I can see two people about to kiss, and a creepy guy stalking them.

  23. The vase and flowers create a lovely crisp shadow. Well done!


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