
Tuesday 1 September 2009


heavy rainclouds hang
over heather dark moorland -
light in the distance.

for this prompt on Pictures, Poetry and Prose


  1. That describes the weather here today perfectly Juliet.

  2. Now where did I put my boots!??
    Ah, September!

  3. oh that's so nice. i've seen that and now i can run it through my mind's eyes and feel it in fullness. nice nice. thanks. steven

  4. Ah...we need some of those rain clouds many forest fires. Our lovely lush green rain forest is very brown these days. Lovely image Juliet.

  5. Describes the weather here too. Just ordered new rain boots....

  6. I love the smell of rain coming in and sometimes I even like a gentle rain. But, isn't it wonderful when we can bask in the sun again? Nice write. Hope all is well.

  7. There is something strangely compelling about the picture you encapsulate, CGP ... the more so since I'm not a great rain fan!

  8. Makes me think of autumn which is fast approaching here in the Windy City.

  9. Anonymous10:24 pm

    If you only knew how many books I read as a young person with a setting like that. I used to wish for that kind of weather, as I sat on the porch swing reading in 100ยบ Oklahoma heat.

  10. Such a beautiful haiku! We've had quite a lot of rain in my neck of the woods, and now we're enjoying the sunshine. :)

  11. i can just picture that; like i have been there. it is definately not here (hot and humid) would like to take a vacation with you there

  12. Rain clears the air and helps things grow.

    I got my daughter all ready to go to the park yesterday and when we opened the front door it began to rain. So hard to predict when the sky is all too often grey. So we went anyway and it had all cleared up by the time we got there.

    It was wonderful, the park to ourselves and the birds graced us with their songs and hopped closer to us than they ever do on a sunny day.

  13. Janice - i wish I could send you some of our rain, i hate to think of your rianforests suffering...

    Jasmine - rain is wonderful ,but can't help feeling it should be a little more fairly distributed, less here, moer over in Janice's part of the world...

  14. I like this haiku very much!!
    I wish I could see heather dark moorlands !


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