
Monday 31 August 2009

Autumnal Hints

I walked along the Water of Leith today as I do most Mondays. It's definitely feeling autumnal, some trees having quite a lot of leaves turning colour and lots of berries, the yew berries still looking magnificent (see banner photo). The air was alive with robin autumnsong. It was lovely to see this season's first mixed flock of tits - long tailed tits, great tits and blue tits. There were probably some coal tits in there too, as the flock was just at the area where earlier in the year I saw coal tits breeding. There were four grey wagtails fluttering along the river, although I usually see these birds here, this is the first time since spring that I've seen so many - so it looks like all the young survived and thrived. I also had a very good view of a heron, it looked very hunched and grumpy, sitting on a grassy island in the river, but I was able to get quite close, though not an angle that would have been useful for photography unfortunately!


  1. Autumnal is a word that I've been using more this week.

  2. I love your green world!
    I have just returned to Manhattan after 2 weeks in the country.
    I am not a happy camper
    neither is the dog.........
    Luckily, we are off to the beach tomorrow to grab the last of the summer.

  3. hello! we're xperiencing something very similar here in ontario. i just wonder if anyone else is noticing that it seems earlier than i expected or rememeber. or is my memory drifting also? have a lovely day. steven

  4. Hi
    What a lovely walk you had!
    I clicked the blue letters and found cute birds!!
    I came home two days ago from highlands where I found a flock of wild ducks in a big pond and robins... Larch leaves have not turned yellow yet, though. Autumn is just around the corner here and in Edinburgh, isn't it? I've enjoyed your autumnal post very much. Thank you!

  5. Love the banner shot. But, Nooooo! We're not ready for summer to be over.

  6. Oh I am so looking forward to my first autumn and winter in years- it was tough living in a place where it was basically summer all year long- tough for this "autumnal" girl anyway!
    Thanks, Juliet!

  7. Lovely! I had so much fun looking at your bird links. I especially love the gray wagtail. They're all beautiful, though. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Loved your autumn nature walk Juliet. I too have noticed how the little birds are flocking again - I love it when we get the long tailed tits on the bird table. We bought fat balls again this week to add to the table as that usually attracts the long tailed. Lovely post.

  9. September is my favorite month –the weather is still warm and the trees are so beautiful with their shades of greens, yellow greens, yellows, oranges and red… and some of them almost look purple.

  10. Anonymous8:49 pm

    This is exactly how I am feeling. The flocks are moving here, and the air definitely has a fall feel to it.
    Your walk sound just lovely.

  11. I love the photo of the berries! (Actually kind of Christmassy). Not autumnal here yet--still hot, althought he cicadas are singing, so at least it feels like late summer.

  12. I'm not ready for summer to be gone either but unfortunately it's getting closer to that time. Fall isn't so bad though because the trees change color and it's always nice and cool outside. I enjoy taking these walks with you... thanks for sharing them. Have a great night.

  13. Here too Autumn is inching its way in. I love reading about your various birds.

  14. I love your "thread of silver in a ribbon of green" - such a lovely spot for walking!

  15. Will be good to witness autumn there - here (Pacific NW - Wash. State) autumn is very meek and generally just dissolves from mild sunny to wet gucky ... Freckles and Deb live nearby and have the same - although they are more inland so do have some chillier nights.

  16. We are experiencing the flocking of birds here in Minnesota as well. The Canada geese are starting to gather in great thundering mobs along roadsides and in fields and the air has taken a definant turn...but that only encourages me to get the bike out.

  17. I enjoyed watching the birds and walking with you in cyberspace.

  18. And I have been out and about enjoying the joys of Spring!

  19. I've always had a fascination for yew

  20. It's feeling autumnal here, too, and I'm seeing leaves changing color here and there. It's a happy sight for me. I love fall. :)

  21. steven - yes autumn seems to be earlier than it should be, I'm sure the berries didn't used to appear quite so early as they did this year...

    sapphire - glad you enjoyed finding the birds! Yes autumn is very close

    Freckles and Deb- no neither am I, much though i love autumn, its too soon...

    Red Bird, I remember in Malawi too, with no autumn, very strange, i did miss it...

    Julie - glad you enjoyed the birds

    Weaver - yes the long tailed are one of my favourite bird...

    Ana yes i love September too...

  22. fourwinds - thanks

    Glenna - it does look a bit christmassy doesn't it?

    Michelle, thomma lynn - yes autumn is a good time of year, but summer just disappeared too soon,

    Janice, acornmoon, thanks

    Golden West - its a lovely river to walk along

    Rabbit's Guy - its pretty wet gucky here too sometimes!

    Kay - I like how the internet can let us share the seasons across the world...

    Leatherdyke - me too, its such a wonderful tree and the berries are fascinating...


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