
Tuesday 9 June 2009

World Oceans Day

It's World Oceans Day today, a time to think about what the oceans mean to us and how we can help conserve them and the wonderful wildlife that lives in them. Two bloggers who i regularly read have posted excellent posts on World Oceans Day:

Beth at Fake Plastic Fish posted about the connection between our overconsumerist lifestyles and mindsets and the amount of garbage in the oceans. You can read her post here.

Angela over at A Note from Your Mother (Amazing Mother Earth) shares lots of links and some photos, including a very cute seal here.

If you want to help to conserve the oceans, here are some ideas:

Use less plastic and make sure that you dispose very carefully of any plastic you do use
Join a Beach Clean Up, or Adopt a Beach - you can find out more at the Adopt a Beach website.
Join the Marine Conservation Society, visit their website here.
Celebrate your Ocean Connection with The Ocean Project
Read about the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch on the Greenpeace website and then use the other links on the site to find out how to join their campaigns.
If you're in Scotland, you can join the campaign for a Scottish Marine Bill at Save Scottish Seas.
The film End of the Line is showing at the Filmhouse in Edinburgh and at selected other cinemas.


  1. You have posted some wonderful ideas for caring for our oceans. Water is vastly important, having it clean more important that we tend to think. Take it away from us for a few days and reality will surely sink in. Thank you for posting this.

  2. I am so pleased you posted on this. I heard about it (was it on Springwatch? ... and meant to do something, but forgot).

  3. Very informative post Crafty. I agree water is an important resource and needs to be protected. Have a great day.

  4. Never heard of World Ocean Day. Is it an annual event?

  5. Thanks for the reminder. Here there are many active beach/sound/ocean environmental groups so the proper etiquette is always being shown and taught. We are doing pretty well, but must keep up the efforts.

  6. Tammie - thanks!
    Coastcard, yes they did mention it on Springwatch...
    Michelle - thanks
    Mistlethrush - I think it was set up just a couple of years ago but yes it is annual now...
    Rabbits Guy - yes some areas are lucky to have lots of environmental groups,

  7. Anonymous9:30 am

    I wasn't aware of the World Ocean Day either.. thanks for posting this, CGP!

  8. Anonymous11:09 am

    Yes, thanks for posting about World Oceans Day and for the info, hints, and links. Cheers, DavidM.

  9. Wonderful post! Thanks for the link to A Note from Your Mother. (Sometimes Mother feels no on is listening to her!)

  10. beautiful ideas...will check these sites out!

    thank you CGP!


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