
Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Ducklings

If you click on this photo, you should be able to see the ducklings sliding down the weir, some of them have already reached the bottom. Mother duck looks on from the top...


  1. Anonymous9:05 am

    That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Awwww.

  2. Delightful! I think I can spot three ducklings: any advance on three?

    Was the mother waiting to bring up the rear? I would have thought she might have wanted to lead from the front.

  3. That is too cute!

  4. Nothing like a fun ride at the beginning of summer. Especially when it's a waterslide. I'm sure they had fun.

  5. Haha, gorgeous. Did they climb back and have another go and another, til the mother duck got tired and dragged them home?

  6. This is awesome. I saw ducks doing this in a small stream on a hill. Only one could go down at a time, because it was narrow. The sweetest thing of all was how they were waiting their turn! If a little one tried to butt in front of another, the mother would make it get back in line. I love your pictures!

  7. I think I can just about make out the ducklings. I love how Mum is checking they all get down safely first! Another great moment caught on camera. x

  8. Looks like a nice way to cool off! Very nice.


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