
Saturday 30 May 2009

Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

A hot sunny day. Three small copper butterflies flutter across the path, tantalisingly disappearing into the long grass. We discuss how we've not seen many of them over the past couple of years, despite this being perfect habitat for them. Up the hill and round the corner, we find a patch of giant daisies. Four small copper butterflies flutter from flower to flower. We've never seen so many in one place! We walk further, listening to whitethroats and chaffinches singing, watching jackdaws ride the thermals above the rocky outcrops. Later, we walk back down the hill, past the same group of small coppers, into a stand of trees.

a warm breeze -
falling elm fruits
catch the sun.
Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh. New Banner photo shows small copper butterflies on large daisies, taken by Crafty Green Boyfriend


  1. Crafty Green Boyfriend = excellent photo!
    Crafty Green Poet = excellent poem!
    Excellent match!

  2. A delightful haibun Juliet.
    What a colourful little bird the chaffinch is.
    Love your header!

  3. That's lovely, all of it.

  4. :)
    I wish I could pop to Arthur's Seat when I fancied. You're a lucky lady!

  5. A breath of spring from one of my fav places in the world.

  6. You have a nice stomping ground, Crafty. And, you compliment it more with your excellent choice of words. I, too, love the header. Hope all is well.

  7. When I lived in Edinburgh for a year the kitchen window of my flat had a beautiful view of Arthur's seat. I miss it.


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