
Friday 29 May 2009

Another Award - this time for Bolts of Silk

I'm delighted that Annie over at Ink Haven, who I awarded the One Lovely Blog Award to a few days ago, has now awarded it to Bolts of Silk, the poetry journal I edit. Since Bolts of Silk only posts poetry I thought I would mention this award here! I am supposed to pass this award on to 15 good looking new blogs, but as I just did that recently, I thought this time I would pass the award on to any contributor to Bolts of Silk who wishes to pick it up, so if you meet those criteria, then please consider yourself awarded.

Recently, Bolts of Silk has featured poetry about rivers and gravity, you can read these and more here.


  1. Oh, congratulations, Juliet!
    Well deserved indeed!

  2. Love your new header Juliet. Which river is it?

  3. Congratulations! And the picture on your header is gorgeous! What a beautifully peaceful scene!

  4. Congratulations, well deserved indeed. Bolts Of Silk is one of the best collections of poetry on the internet, and believe me I read plenty of them. Beautiful poetry with something to say, absolutely. The site deserves every award there is.

  5. Gorgeous header! Congratulations to Bolts of Silk.

  6. Delightful news, and yes, well-deserved.

  7. Liked that poetry link! And the new picture.

  8. I am so preditable, as in, you know I'm going to crow over the picture you have in your header right now. I love it.

    And, btw, congratulations!!!!


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