
Friday 3 April 2009


leaves unfurl -
the chaffinch's chest brighter
than yesterday

an earlier version of this was published in Blithe Spirit, the members' journal of the British Haiku Journal

More Spring for Read Write Poem


  1. I like the way the chaffinch is your bloom. Well done.

  2. You are right about the chaffinch's chest - isn't it interesting how some have a deep pink chest and others have an almost purple chest. I think all birds (male) get brighter as the leaves unfurl - a nice thought.

  3. Lovely. The male's plumage changing colour during the breeding season...

  4. What a pleasure to read your descriptions of spring, while we are enjoying a bright warm autumn.
    Nice to catch up with your blog - I have been reading your descriptions of Earth Hour. Christchurch was the first city in New Zealand to sign up to it, but I am very cynical about the number of restaurants and others lighting heaps of candles for Earth Hour instead of using electric light, as I don't think candles are environmentally friendly at all.

  5. We have gold finches here and I had just noted to my better half how they just keep getting brighter and brighter.

  6. Chaffinch's bright chest and brighter days to come. Nice one:)

  7. Weaver - yes I'm fasciated by the different shades too, the bullfinches too are certainly getting pinker in the chest....

    Janice, Jeeves - thanks

    Catherine - thanks - you're right about candles too, apart from pure beeswax candles, they're not environmentally friendly,

    Danielle - yes goldfinches too!


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