
Saturday 14 February 2009

this collection

this collection is a collaboration between poets and filmakers to create a visual and poetic collage of Edinburgh. The poetry can be found at the this collection website. I have a poem up, it is not surprisingly about Gorgie City Farm and you can read it here. The idea is that I will then work with a film maker to produce a short film about the farm, what is it they say about never working with animals? Driftwood and Dexter will hopefully enjoy becoming film stars, but perhaps Daisy, who has so far been the farm's star bunny, will get a little jealous.... this collection should be appearing in venues across Edinburgh and beyond from this Spring onwards..... It's an exciting project and I'm delighted to be involved.

Claire Askew of One Night Stanzas is the poetic co-ordinator for this collection. Coincidentally, I'm interviewed today on her blog, as part of being her Featured Poet of the Week.


  1. Much yhanks for the this collection link.

  2. All interesting reading Juliet.

  3. Anonymous11:41 pm

    Ahha, that puts two pieces of the jigsaw together. I knew there must be some connection between One Night Stanzas and 'this collection' from the traffic map in my head. Thanks, Juliet.

  4. Anonymous2:30 am

    Congratulations on being the Featured Poet of the Week on the One Night Stanzas blog!

  5. the project is intriguing .. a great way to showcase the city in an alternative way ..

    nice interview too!

    did i read the first sort of official rabbit veterinarian in england was just named there in edinburg?

  6. What a great project to be involved in - looking forward to hearing more about it.

  7. What a great project, yes be sure that Driftwood gets a starring role, everybun deserves some time in the spotlight!


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