
Friday 13 February 2009

Featured Poet and Lucky Bunny

Today you can read a wintry poem from me as part of me being the featured poet of the week over at One Night Stanzas.

Okay, since Sydney and Tyler's ears are twitching, I'll tell you that the lucky bunny who we are sponsoring is Driftwood! (Well done to Holly and Diana (sort of!) for guessing the correct bunny!) Driftwood is so adorable as he lollops around in the bunny enclosure at Gorgie City Farm. Not that the other bunnies aren't of course, they're all very sweet and well worth visiting or sponsoring. Apparently a new bunny will be arriving at the farm next month, a large black lop called Ebony, I'll try to get photos as soon as possible. And for those who may be confused, we're sponsoring Driftwood, paying money towards his upkeep at the farm, not bringing him home with us. Gorgie Farm staff have been advised to search my handbag when I leave work every day...

Oh and I wrote this week's prompt over on Read Write Poem, you can take part here if you want...


  1. Hooray for Driftwood. !!!!!!Yes, you are right, I should only get half credit for this one.

  2. I'm so glad you came by! 'S been awhile, hasn't it? Glad you like the post (tea bowls and Leonard Coehn). Have a Happy Valentines Day with Crafty Green Boyfriend! :D

  3. PS Btw, remember me as Pepek?

  4. PPS The beautiful photo on your header that I suppose is Scotland looks remarkably like Utah!

  5. lucky driftwood!!!

    about the winter scene picture and poem ... it stikes me that had that picture been of an empty, snow-blown street of a very small town it would not have seemed so lonely as did that of the big cold city ...

  6. I love your wintry poem!

  7. Anonymous12:45 pm

    Yay for Driftwood!!

  8. Oh what wonderful news... Driftwood looks like a cutie and is a very lucky bunny :)
    (I am slowly catching up with all the blogs and yours got plenty of info to digest - not to mention the poems!)


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