
Wednesday 26 November 2008

New Website for Gorgie City Farm

Gorgie Farm launches its new-look website today, and it looks great! You can see it here. Some readers of this blog may feel there aren't enough rabbit photos in there, but otherwise I think it is definitely a success.


  1. Excellent - a big improvement in every way. Well done.

  2. I LOVE the little brown-gold long hair rabbit on the site -what a cute animal. A neat interactive site for children too.

  3. Anonymous1:27 pm

    I love that site. I'm going to visit it all the time!

  4. the site looks really great!

  5. Yes, the website looks great. But really, there should be more rabbits, everyone likes rabbits.

  6. Rabbits .. did we mention rabbits? I guess I better go back throgh that web site and see if there is a way to commetn to it!

    That is something. Are there working farms in the general area? Or is the primary way for most locals to see such action.

  7. OK .. I sent them an e-mail about MORE RABBIT photos!!!

    Gosh my typing is slipping. I wondered, in previous post, if this was the only way for locals to experience farming without having to a long way a ways.

    I ask because we have no such thing around here .. but there are many many relatively small farms of a big variety, and frequent farm tours and visits arranged.

    But, still, such a great opportunity and you don't mess up the farmer's schedule wither.

  8. Anonymous6:09 am

    Yes, the lack of rabbits is indeed tragic. Otherwise, the website is great :D


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