
Tuesday 25 November 2008

Growing Communities in Scotland

Just a quick update about what I do at work! Although I'm based at Gorgie City Farm I don't work directly for them, but for the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens. The Federation is a national organisation (hence my recent trip to Bristol!) "Growing Communities in Scotland" is a partnership between the Federation, the Scottish Therepeutic Gardening Network (Trellis) and the Allotments Regeneration Initiative (ARI). The partnership supports community growing projects - including community gardens, city farms and horticultural therapy projects, enabling them to offer better, more consistent and wider reaching services. The project is funded by the Big Lottery Fund. We've just appointed our new Fieldwork Co-ordinator for this project and are looking forward to seeing things really start to grow!


  1. Sounds both interesting and worthwhile. it's always a help to know what folk do, I think.

  2. Very interesting work I am sure. I would love toknow more about it. Also I do agree with Dave that it is nice to know what blogger "pals" do. I retired from teaching and now I just "am", although there is always work to do on a farm and I love it.

  3. Anonymous11:15 pm

    What a cool job. I'm jealous.

  4. Anonymous1:36 am

    Wow, you have a really interesting job! Lucky you :D

  5. That's a good set-up. Tell us more as you go along.


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