
Tuesday 11 November 2008

Friendship Round the World Award

I was delighted and honoured to receive the Friendship Round the World award from Geoffrey Philps. I want to pass this award to all of you who visit my blog, who comment here, who link to me and whose blogs i enjoy visiting. There really is a very international community of bloggers. If you want to get a taste of my international community, just visit some of the links in my sidebar...


  1. Thanks, Crafty! & I love the new look.

  2. Your blogs have really captured interest everywhere. Well Done!

  3. Anonymous6:03 am

    You certainly have an international fan base :D That's the best thing about the internet isn't it, the ability to reach wide and far!

  4. I love your new header. Beautiful tree! ~Tui

  5. Congratulations! Well deserved and I am pleased to keep a link to your inspirational site on my blog. Thanks for your posts by the way. I tend to read yours more than I make comments. Take care. :-)

  6. Anonymous10:38 am

    Congrts again!


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!