
Thursday 20 November 2008

Away for a few days

I'm off to Bristol today, 7 hours on a train then hopefully a poetry event tonight before a work meeting tomorrow and Saturday. The train was cheap (£35) but why it has to take so long I don't know, surely there's a route that could be done in 5 hours or less? The flight plus the airport bus at both ends plus hanging around at the airport only takes a total of four hours so when there's three hours extra on the train you can see why people fly.....But the train does allow for appreciation of the scenery (and writing of haiku) and a comfortable seat in which to read and relax (and work too of course!) without all the rushing about. Then coming back by train stopping in Manchester to see my parents. Back in Edinburgh on Sunday evening.


  1. Anonymous8:23 am

    Have fun on your trip! I bet there'll be lots to see and write about from the train journey :)

  2. Hope you have a good trip Juliet!
    Actually I'm a little envious - trains are a thing of the past over here...

  3. It's good that you found the positive side of taking the train:)
    And, traveling on a train is much more poetic!

  4. I'm assuming you're on one of our (cross country) trains direct from Edinburgh to Bristol. I'm not at work today so you won't have to suffer my PA banter!

    There's 40 minutes added onto the journey time at the moment because there's a tunnel closed in the Sheffield area for engineering works. The east coast main line route from Edinburgh to Birmingham is longer than the west coast one anyway by about an hour, so it all adds up.

  5. Hi! I found you on my blog, you left a nice comment. I would like to feature some of your crafts photos and a poem or two, and short bio if you are interested. contact me via email
    cheers! Inge

  6. Happy journey, look for rabbits.

  7. Enjoy yourself. As Roger Miller once said, the train is the only way to fly.

  8. Trains can be cosy, have a good trip1

  9. oh what fun... wishing we had a train to go to LA on. oh well; in ten years per this vote this year. We are headed to berkeley today; then to LA on wednesday to see my dd.


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