
Friday 17 October 2008

Woodlands near Oban

Glen Nant Forest

Oban is in the middle of a beautiful part of Scotland. There are a lot of woodlands around, including Caledonian pine forests, Atlantic rain forests and birch woods. The weather was wet most of the time we were there and in fact it had been a particularly wet summer so the lichens, ferns and fungi were doing particularly well.

fungi in Glen Nant forest

fungi in Inverawe Country park (above and below)
I don't know the names of any of the fungi, unfortunately, but I do know that the fern below is Blechnum spicant (also in Glen Nant Forest)


  1. Anonymous9:12 am

    Hmm, I am so envious, and can't wait to be out on the West coast once more, unfortunately I have to wait until Christmas...

  2. I'm sure the rains did make the fungi, lichens and ferns abundantly happy.

  3. Anonymous12:32 pm

    How marvelous that you stopped by my blog when I was in New Caledonia, you were in Old Caledonia. Great pictures!

  4. Lovely atmosphere, what a very red mushroom!!

  5. Beautiful photos! These are exactly the types of things I enjoy!

  6. Anonymous3:25 pm

    some fascinating looking fungi there. :O

  7. That's the good thing about us Brits - we never let wet weather stand in the way of a good holiday. Love the fungi pictures.

  8. Love the fungi - found some really bright yellow in the woods on a log a few days ago but it's not really fungus it's a mold. I live in a rain forest so we see lots of unique fungi here - they're such an interesting plant form.

  9. Very nice, softness of texture. Thanks for sharing autumn from your part of the world. :)

  10. Anonymous10:47 pm

    Some of the plants are the same as here, but I don't recognize everything. I love that delicate fern on the bottom of your post.

  11. love the forest photo--the branches seem to be able to dance; lichen was one of my first word loves.


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