
Saturday 18 October 2008

Second hand furniture style

Yesterday, I blogged about second hand clothes. Most of our furniture is also second hand, I love browsing second hand shops and the best furniture in my eyes is the old fashioned, attractive, built to last sort. Admittedly some of our second hand furniture is more modern and less attractive than the two items shown. Also because we have a narrow hallway and awkward spacing we have got some flatpack furniture because it was the only way to get what we need at all. I still remember the beautiful second hand blue and pale wood wardrobe that just couldn't fit into our flat.....

Buying second hand when you can find good quality furniture that meets your needs can help to reduce pressure on the rainforests, which are being chopped down at an alarming rate to make cheap furniture, chopsticks and paper.

Second hand furniture often has more character than new furniture. It is usually cheaper, which is an important point in these times of economic uncertainty.


  1. I agree. I also think that second hand furniture has more character than the new stuff.House are the same. Old ones much better than the new. New houses make me want to mes them up and dirty them to give them life, they are so boring.

  2. Opps! Sorry about the typo's.

  3. I agree with you fully! Better for our planet and at a time of financial uncertainty. Seems most of the world is on a fast track of producing for money. If they stop where will their money come from. But I can not imagine that it can go on and on like this.
    Your furniture looks wonderful from what I can see, made of wonderful wood.

  4. It certainly seems like there is enough "stuff" in the world without making so much more.

  5. I love second hand furniture too... The thing you mentioned about character is very true!

  6. I miss good sources of secondhand stuff, clothes and furniture. Charity and junk shops don't seem to exist in quite the same way here, brocantes and 2nd hand clothes shops are expensive, and the best stuff, I think, tends to get snapped up by Parisian dealers! There is Emmaus, which is like a big, residential, 2nd hand department store, run by volonteers, ex-prisoners, and other people with special needs and circumstances. It's a fine institution, but only really in the bigger towns, so you have to make a special journey there.

  7. Anonymous3:36 pm

    indeed. i like the drawer pulls on those things. :) more character indeed.

  8. Only problem is, many people can't afford well made modern furniture, so it falls apart in a few years, leaving little to be second hand.
    A great shame.

  9. I love secondhand furniture - you are so right about how it was built in those days and how charming some of the pieces are. There's a community in Vancouver that exists on the barter system - no money ever changes hands. They swap clothes, furniture, services, farm produce in return for services rendered etc etc. Things are only bought when something can no longer be repaired. Would love to live there.

  10. Anonymous7:19 pm

    How true ,..I should look into this when Im searching for furniture


  11. I'm sorry to hear you missed out on the beautiful wardrobe - next time check that it can't be dismantled 'cos nearly all wardrobes from early Victorian times onwards can be split in half to carry upstairs.

    Nice post!

  12. I love old furniture, too! I got it form my mom who used to go to auctions and then refinish her finds. Today I treasure those items!

  13. Anonymous2:30 am

    Our dining room set was rescused from the perfect condition and came with a china hutch & cabinet! So I know what you mean...great post!

  14. Yes, so much current furnishings have a short life and then have no useful afterlife except disposal ... a throw-a-way mentality and will it end???

  15. Crafty Green Poet! I saw a comment and decided to stop by! I love second hand furniture!!! Everything in my apartment was given to us second hand for free and the other two items we bought second hand. Yea!!! I will have to read your post about clothes now. Should be fun to see what you have to say.

  16. Anonymous9:38 am

    I hardly dare say this - I'm a lone voice here - but I so like brand new furniture. Run!!!

  17. You often get better quality this way, though I suspect it helps to have a few basic restoration skills too.

  18. My entire living room/dining room is done in parental hand-me-downs and one end table the neighbors gave to me when it didn't sell at their yardsale. Oh, I did buy the lamp -- since my ex took the second hand lamp I had there when he moved out.
    I'm about ready to have everything recovered, though, as the fabric is starting to look shabby. But I could never afford to buy this much furniture of this quality if I had to buy in new. That's another good reason to buy second-hand stuff-- it's cheaper.

  19. I like this post. I can see the pros and cons of both new and old. I guess it really comes down to "your style" good post.


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