
Friday 24 October 2008

Hidden Gardens, Glasgow

Earlier this week I went to the Open Day at the Hidden Gardens in Glasgow. This is a lovely, and surprisingly large garden behind the Tramway Theatre. It has a wonderful wildlife area, with a specially built high rise bug house (I'm particularly annoyed that I didn't have my camera with me at the time to take a photo of that!) and lots of bird houses, feeders and water bowls. At the Open Day there was a wonderful lunch made by the Garden's volunteers and everyone came away with a gift of seeds and bulbs - I got nasturtiums and daffodils.


  1. Anonymous9:22 am

    I love the Hidden Gardens, it's a gorgeous place, we even looked into getting married there. Giving away bulbs is a lovely idea.

  2. Just saw this comment over at Daily Maybe blog, and I felt compelled to repost it in its entirety:

    'Would this be the right place to cheekily plug Saturday's Profit versus the Planet meeting?

    Taking place in London, it has been organised by the Socialist Party to advertise their new pamphlet, 'An Inconvenient Question - Socialism and the Environment' .

    Click on the above link for more details. ;-)'

    PS - I remember as a kid wandering through Tollcross Park in Shettleston/Parkhead. Happy Days.

  3. It's wonderful that the Hidden Gardens is also free! So often these things over here require an entry fee. Nasturtiums are one of my favorite flowers but you don't see them much around here perhaps because it is too humid.

  4. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Sounds lovely. I need to get some bulbs soon and get them in the ground!

  5. I love the way that bulbs can look some tatty and uninteresting and bear no relation to the wonders that will hopefully grow from them. I planted a couple of potfuls the other week. Hope to see them sometime around Feb / March.

  6. The Hidden Gardens sound lovely. I love your new banner. I always looked forward to the sea scene appearing and then, today, the surprise of this lovely lake.

  7. the hidden gardens sound like a beautiful place...

  8. lovely gifts from nature :) Enjoyed your story of the hidden gardens.

  9. Yup ... time to plant the daffs in a couple weeks here. I stuck little red flags all around where I thought I needed some more last spring and I hope they are still there, in amongst the last remnants of summer growth!

    You banner picture .... how did that arrangement of such different yet mature trees get there?

  10. wow - what an amazing shot that is for your banner!I had to check to see if you did it in photoshop

  11. Katherine - it would be a nice place to have a wedding....

    Darren, thanks, London though is a bit of a trek from Edinburgh at short notice...

    Janice - it is good when nice gardens etc are free, a lot of them here still are. I like nasturtiums too

    egretsnest/jem - yes I need to get these planted v. soon too...

    Weaver of Grass, thanks - the banner will change every couple of weeks or so....

    polona - they are

    get zapped - thanks

    rabbits guy - I think that its an area of mixed woodland planted by the Forestry Commission, who are moving more and more into mixed plantings rather than just the old style evergreen plantations (as you can see to the left of the photo)

    Ascender - no photoshopping! Glad you like the image...

  12. The mention of these gardens made me wish I lived nearer Glasgow!

    I've nominated you for an award - details on my blog.

  13. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit, but a little outside of my normal range of travel.


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