
Sunday 5 October 2008

Of Monsters and Dinosaurs!

The latest Read Write Poem prompt, which I put together, is Of Monsters and Dinosaurs. Write poetry inspired by dinosaurs, other prehistoric creatures or monsters. Here's a haiku I wrote on the theme:

strange light
above the volcanoes -
pterodactyls swoop

If you have any poetry on the theme to share, remember to take part in Read Write Poem this week!


  1. like this haiku

  2. The curiosity of it all draws me in. Like it.

  3. Anonymous1:14 am

    I like it. Well made.

    By the way, I have a poetry prompt on my website and you'd be more than welcome to take part.

  4. Or don't swoop. Didn't someone just calculate that they shouldn't have been able to fly? Mind you, that's what they said about the bumblebees.

  5. Anonymous2:57 pm

    I wouldn't have liked to have been there in those days, where could you hide?

  6. ah, i love the image this creates. swoop sounds magical. though i agree with 'sweet talking guy', i wouldn't want live in those days.


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