
Tuesday 23 September 2008

Garden Harvest 1

I showed a photo of the brambles growing in the garden earlier, here. This is the bowlful I gathered at the weekend. As they all ripen at different rates and the brambles in our courtyard area all grow in different gardens and aren't all accessible, there isn't much of a harvest at any one time. But they are very tasty....

Who else likes brambles? Find out more at the RSPB here. So I'm happy to let the rest of the berries go to the birds and the insects....


  1. Mmmmm - love those - very tasty indeed. Lovely photo Juliet.

  2. Anonymous6:48 pm

    wow. that just looks delicious. :O

  3. They look poetically scrumptious:)

  4. Anonymous9:36 pm

    I've never tasted or even seen one myself, but they do appear mouthwatering!

  5. That is about how our blackberry harvest has gone this fall! Can't get enough heat and sun for enough days to ripen a lot at once!!

  6. Anonymous6:46 am

    i have never had those but they look so plump and yummy. are they good for preserves?

  7. thanks everyone - they are very tasty and they make great preserves, mrs ott!

  8. This photo is absolutely beautiful. Did they taste as good as they look?!

  9. Yum! Mine are all gone... my harvest this year was just about the size of yours in the picture, so there is hope next year will be better.
    It is funny because I decided to plant a bramble plant (thornless) for the leaves, which were a favourite of Nik and BilleBun. Hugo and Miss Eve, however, are happy to ignore them to favour dandelion, fennel green and spring greens.


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