
Friday 26 September 2008

Catapult to Mars has lift off!

Gordon Mason, a regular contributor to Bolts of Silk has started his own blog, which is now live at Catapult to Mars. The blog features Gordon's own poetry in English, Scots and Spanish and will also feature poetry from guest poets. All the poems are illustrated with a carefully chosen picture.

I'm honoured to be the first guest poet on Gordon's blog and you can read my poem here.


  1. time for more congratulations, it seems :o)

    the site looks promising

  2. Hi, thank you for visiting my blog. Given your talent, I am truly honored by your comment.


  3. A lovely site - enjoyed too the fantastic artwork.
    Risks - an evocative poem with a powerful message for all of us to reflect upon.


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!