
Friday 18 July 2008

Bees Knees

I love the bees knees and have been trying for ages to find a bee with good knees to photograph so I was very happy when this little creature made its way into our flat and rested on a cat ornament for long enough for me to take a photo. (edited to add: We then helped it to escape by letting it crawl onto a piece of paper which we then put out of the window). I'm really pleased with the photo too as the knees are lovely and yellow! I've seen lots of bees recently, several times I've seen buddleia bushes or flower meadows covered in bees, which is very heartening given that bees across the world are struggling. For more about Bee conservation in the UK, visit the Bumblebee Conservation website.

Sandy over at gardenpath has been taking bee photos recently too, you can see them here.
AscenderRises also posts plenty of photos of bees, which are listed here (click on the titles to see the photos).
I recently posted a poem about bees here and on Bolts of Silk a poem about bees by Howard Good here.


  1. Anonymous11:55 am

    Love your "bees knees" shot! Thanks for the link to the bumblebee site.

    Bumblebees always amaze me. If I can find it, I will post a bumlebee haiku sometime this week. Must have put it in the wrong folder, when I did it.

  2. Anonymous12:55 pm

    Wonderful picture. The bees here (Ohio, US) were decimated last year but they came back this year. I think they're still studying what exactly happened.

  3. Anonymous2:04 pm

    What a fine fellow he is. It is worrying about the bees. But I am glad to hear they have recovered in Ohio (thanks, Nathan.)

  4. Gardenpath - I look forward to your bee haiku!
    Nathan - glad your bees have recovered
    Selma - a fine bee indeed, thanks!

  5. What a great picture.

    I am frightened of bees, but I enjoy watching them buzz about my lavender. It is easy to recognize their aesthetic and biological importance. I hope no more UK species become extinct.

  6. Those are some nice bee knees. We have been keeping plants up past there prime if the bees like them, figure they need all the help they can get.

  7. that's a lovely shot... it's not easy to get a sharp bee photo.

  8. That's a great Bee's knees shot. I found out about this at Ascender's site and am glad I did. I enjoying photographing bees so I went ahead and posted a bee's knees shot from NC, US. Carver Cards Bee's Knees

  9. Hello Juliet,
    I've enjoyed your site for some time now and would like to pass on the Brillante Weblog award to you. You can view your aware on my blog . Congrats and enjoy passing on to those you admire.

  10. returning to ask... how did you get it out of the house?

  11. What a superb shot!
    We have many bees too on the foxglove, sedum and lamb's ear.
    Enjoyed all the bee links and especially your poem.

  12. polona - this bee was unusually co-operative!

    carver - thanks for the link - enjoyed your bees kness too!

    d.moll - I'm sure the bees enjoy your plants, like you say they need all the help they can get...

    jenn - its good that you appreciate them even if you're scared of them

    ascender - we helped it out with a piece of paper!

    janice - thanks!

  13. hi crafty green poet! thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my bee pic. you should go see polona's bee picture too at

    isn't summer wonderful?

  14. Returning to see how you got it out of the house. Me? I would have been out the door screaming at it to "get out! get out!"


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