
Thursday, 8 May 2008

Bored Meeting

Closed picture windows stale the air,
coffee is drunk but doesn’t keep awake.
Bored fingers crumb biscuits,
leaf through unread notes.

Absent minds wander.

Outside, birds discover spring,
the river dances,
a young woman passes by,

blonde hair flying free.


  1. thought the same thing while stuck

  2. Most meetings are the same, aren't they? You capture the moment nicely.

  3. I can almost see one of the boring meetings I've had to sit through. Very well done.

  4. Anonymous3:21 pm

    i agree. it captures the feeling of being stuck somewhere and all the gorgeousness happening around you, happening elsewhere. it's kind of how i feel now, stuck in my cubicle.

  5. Hope nobody asks you a question. (I'm retired now; did you have to remind me?)

  6. oh, i hate boring meetings (is there any other kind?) and can relate...
    wonderful contrast.

  7. I'm a bit slow on the uptake. I just got the "bored" part of it. Clever.

  8. Meetings, Bloody Meetings!

    (John Cleese)

  9. You captured the essence of it!

    Where I work, people bring their laptops to meetings. To get something useful done, surely.

  10. Anonymous12:50 pm

    Thank God for your poetry. Every word has cheered me up. I had a bad day today. (((Hugs)))

  11. leatherdyke - thanks
    scot, rethabile, sarala, lissa, polona - I think a lot of people can relate...
    bill - no-one did ask me a question in that meeting, though on the day I posted the poem I was at another meeting, an interesting one and I was asked lots lf questions...
    rabbits guys - we just watched a Monty Python film last night so timely quote there...
    Farfetched - I've seen laptops at meetings too!
    Selma - nice that my poetry cheers you up, sorry you've had a bad day

  12. This was great! Very visual and light. Well done.

  13. Love the idea instead of being in a 'bored meeting' you could be dancing with the river with your hair blowing in the wind. This was a moment beautifully captured Juliet.

  14. heh that's one true pun.


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